Charleen Micheles

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I have 50 short stories published and a poem featrured in Cosmic Brownies. I write for several online publications, but mostly I am fortunate to be a part of the creative process through my complete/line editing of many writers manuscripts. I am an International Editor. I Ghostwrite and teach writing to newbies. I am the Global Moderator for Authors Society, a site filled with talented and respected authors...Stop by and say hello!

I am a widow with two grown, married sons and three grandchildren. I share my Las Vegas home with two Yorksire Terriers, Reeta and Rosee and countless animals I sometimes foster...

Comment Wall:

  • Charleen Micheles

    My pleasure. I think its a great site and am so happy you joined. Hope the new book is coming along. Be talking to you.
  • Shelagh Watkins

    Hi Charleen,

    Thanks for the add!

  • Lonnie Cruse

    Thanks for the invite, Charleen, I'm trying to add you but my computer isn't cooperating. So I sent you an invite back.

    You live in Vegas? I was born and raised there. Certainly a different town today!
  • Leeanne Marie Stephenson

    I invite you to visit my web site and check out my hot new romance novel called, "A PRESCRIPTION FOR LOVE". IT'S A PULSE QUICKENING RIDE THAT YOU WISH WILL NEVER END! JUST GO TO:
  • D. J. Stephens


    Thanks for the invitation.
  • Aaron Paul Lazar

    Same to you, Charleen! It's a pleasure to "meet" you!
  • D.L.Sparks

    Thanks for stopping by!!
  • albertasequeira

    Hi Carleen,
    Thank you for requesting interest in our writing. I look forward to visiting your site.
  • Dianne Schwartz

    Hey there, Char! Glad you found me and thanks for the invite and telling me about this site! See you in Boomerville!
  • Dahris H. Clair

    Hello Charleen ~ another animal lover, how nice. I hope you will visit my e-zine, THE INFINITE WRITER, It's primarily to offer helpful information for writers and as a showcase for their works. We have a poetry blog and we have been asked to add a classified page. We are taking that under advisement, but will confine the ads strictly to editors. ghostwriters, coaches and the like. No Real estate or other business will be accepted. It will be a very nominal fee. Watch the zine for developments. Meanwhile, it's nice to have another "friend."
  • Dahris H. Clair

    I will do that Charleen. In the meantime, please pass the word to all your writer friends. We want submissions: short stories, essays, book excerpts; articles, flash fiction; poetry, etc. We adhere strictly to submission guidelines on the home page. Give me a few days as I'm working on another project, and I'll have something mapped out. You may contact me by going to the zine and using one of the comment boxes. They all come to me first.
  • Russ Heitz

    Hi Charleen,
    You have an impressive background and valuable skills! Great to have you as part of our rapidly-growing group!
  • Charleen Micheles

    As of Monday the 20th. I will have begun a blog on this site. Check it out and offer your comments if you'd like to. Thanks!
  • Danielle

    Thank you for the invite. You seemed to have achieved a great deal during your writing career. It's nice to see someone who is succeeding in what they love to do.
  • Jeremy Twigg

    Hi Charleen,

    Thanks for the friend request. I enjoyed your first blog very much.

    Best wishes,
  • Aithne Jarretta

    Hi Charleen,

    Thanks for the friendship invite. Hope you don't mind I sent you one on myspace. Have a great evening. Blessings.

  • William R. Patterson

    Hi Charleen,

    Thank you for the invite.

    As my compliments, here are four FREE wealth-building gifts valued at $297 -

    With every good wish,
    William R. Patterson
    Award-Winning Lecturer
    Bestselling Co-author of The Baron Son
  • Cheril Vendetti

    If you're Italian you must be a great cook:)
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Charleen,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. .

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage
    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Charleen Micheles

    Its would be my pleasure and thanks for thinking of me.
  • albertasequeira

    HI Charleen,
    I added my video to Book Marketing. I hope everyone views it.
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Charleen,

    Dahris sent me. I just stopped by to see what you're up to and to let you know about Florida Writers Assn. It's national too!


    * Quarterly issue of The Florida Writer magazine.

    * Extra exposure for your writing by submission of articles and poems to the Florida Writer newsletter.

    * A link to your website on the FWA website.

    * The opportunity to interact with other writers by attending Writers Group meetings in your area.

    * The opportunity to attend and participate in the annual FWA Conferences.

    * Even more exposure for you as writer through participation in the annual Awards Program for published and unpublished writers.

    * Access to MEMBERS-ONLY e-group where members share publishing, writing, and marketing tips..

    * Special members-only rates on advertising in The Florida Writer magazine.

    * The opportunity to participate in FWA-sponsored book signing and promotional events held throughout the year.

    * Leadership opportunities as a Writers Group Leader, Regional Director or FWA officer.

    * SPEAKING Opportunities!

    Hope you check out the site and consider joining!

    FWA Secretary