Bonnie L Pelton

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Books out:
Another day to live life
59 poems, with 2 of my drawings featured
author name: Bonnie Lee Pelton
Fun , emotional and uplifting, try it you may like it
Barnes& or phone 301-695-1707

Second book:
Why can't I be like other creatures?
children's book,fun humorous pictures,
about just realizing the best person you can be is yourself !! author name Bonnie Pelton

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Bonnie,

    Welcome to BMN! I look forward to networking with you.
  • Bonnie L Pelton

    Late at night! Bump in the night insomnia creeping in , frustrating, as usual! Sleep a much needed commodity! But always at a distance!
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Thanks for your adniration of Tilly. She's my 'assistant' and never leaves my side while I'm working. she was abandoned before we got her and yet is so intelligent! She does agility work,,plays flyball, and is learning search and resue work. not bad for a little crossbreeed terrier who nobody wanted eh?

    Great to hear from you.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Yes, she is pretty special, as are our other three rescue dogs, who were all abandoned or abused before coming to us. We love them all and they are very special dogs, and its so good to meet another animal lover. Hope you have a great day!

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for the comments on the doggie photos. I can see from your photos that you are an animal lover. They are great. I love your page background too. I'll be putting some new pics of the dogs up in a day or so, ones that I've just added to my computer. Lookout for them. I'd love to hear what you think.

    Best regards again

  • Brian L Porter

    I'll load them later today, (it's 7.20 a.m. here right now.)

    I can't remember if I asked you if you'd mind casting a vote for my book in hte cover design awards? If I did forgive me for asking again, but if I didn't, I hope you don't mind me asking. The link for the voting page is

    Right! Now for those photos.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter


    I just uploaded the new pics. Hope you like them. The ones on the beach were when we took Dylan and Penny to Scarborough a couple of weeks ago. They loved playing in the sea, and digging up half the beach!

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Glad you enjoyed the photos. Dylan the Bedlington Terrier loves jumping in the air trying to catch seagulls! He was badly beaten and abused before we got him, and was once so nervous of everyone and everything. Now, he just adores life and is one the most loveable dogs I've ever known.

    You have a great day too.

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you like the other pics too. They're all such a load of fun.

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you like them. I don't have many, but they are cute!
  • Brian L Porter

    Great photos Bonnie. You are lucky to live so close to nature.

  • Brian L Porter

    I'm not a great photographer, but I love nature, and love watching David Attenborough's TV documentaries.
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks Bonnie,

    I try my best to get eveything into the
  • Brian L Porter

    Sorry to hear you've not been well. Hi to you too. I shot a short video of three of the dogs playing on the field today. If I get time I'll be uploading it tomorrow. Might bring a smile to your face. Tilly has been doing her 'demo' dog bit today at dog training, showing the newbies all the stuff they have to learn. she loves showing off!
    We are getting another rescue dog on Monday. We found him at the sanctuary today. He's another scruffy terrier type. We're going to call him Monty. Will post pics when we have him.

    Have a great day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Can't wait to get him. The video is now uploaded.
  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you enjoyed the video. It's hard to catch them at just the right time. Dylan was at home sleeping. Charlie has that funny stiff-legged type of run because he was vert ill before we got him and his legs joints are a bit stiff, but they don't stop him having fun!
  • Brian L Porter

    Yes, poor little Charlie had been kept outside by his previous owners. One day they found him collpased in the garden, and took him to a vet who admitted him for a week as he was serioulsy ill. They never went back for him and he ended up in the rescue sanctuary. We came along and now he has a loving home, but his legs will never be as mobile as they should be. People think his way of runing is cute and funny, which I suppose it is, but it hides a lot of hurt in his past.
  • Brian L Porter

    Ginger is defintely a gorgeous girl, and yes, charlie isindeed a very special, precious little dog. Thanks for saying so,
  • Brian L Porter

    Glad Ginger's having fun. I like those funny Bedlington stickers. They can be quite amusing. Only four hours before we go to pick up the new rescuedog.
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I didn't realise that Ginger was so young. She's a cutie.

    Well, we now have our new dog with us. We eventually named him Alfie, and I hope to put a pic of him on the site tomorrow. He's even thinnner than we first thought, no more than three inches across his back over his rear end, poor little mite, and we gave him a bath when we got him home, and under his fur there's hardly anything to him, and that's after a month of being wellfed at the sanctuuary, so you can imagine what he must have been like when they first got him.

    He seems quite well adjusted though and our other dogs accepted him straight away, without so much as a bark. He's lived on the streets for a while so we have to house train him from scratch!

    We took all four for a walk on the field where I shot that video of the others playing and let him off his lead and he stayed with us and the dogs all the time.

    So, fingers crossed, he looks as though he might fit in nicely.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Ah, so you know what we're up against. Trouble is Alfie is 12-18 months old, so it';s a bit harder. We had the same thing with Penny and it took longer than with a puppy, about 6 weeks. Hope youhave a great day too, and get some sleep tonight.
    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Love the new pics of Ginger with her toys. She is cute. Sorry she had an accident again. Alfie stayed dry all night which was great, and he's now sitting by my side. Will put a pic of him up later. He's so thin, poor baby. He'll take some building up, and he has a bit of kennel cough too.
    Best regards and hope you slept better.

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you got some sleep. Just put two pics opf Alfie on my page. You can see how bony and emaciated he is, but we'll soon build him up. He's delightful, with great character, and loves everyone.
  • Brian L Porter

    That's some phone, and glad you liked the photos of Alfie. He's now asleep, flat out, and his paws are twtching, so he's happily dreaming of something happy I hope.
  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for the comments on the photos. You can see how thin he is fromthe one where he's standing up.
  • Brian L Porter

    Alfie had another good night. Tired this morning though as he hasn't much 'meat' on him yet. We'll soon fix that. apart from my writing and the dogs, I don't have much time for other pursuits I'm afraid. Have a great day.
  • Brian L Porter

    Just dropped in to say hello. Also just saw the pic of Lucy, another doggie friend I see! Hope your flu is much better now, and that Ginger's ok too.

    Alfie is still finding his feet, and has a bit of kennel cough as well. He must have picked itup at the rescue centre.

    Have a great day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Sorry to hear you've had internet problems, frsutrating isn't it? Glad Ginger's trtying hard to be good. alfie's not too bad with his cough today. I'm about to go out for a drink with my best friend, so I'm escaping from the madhouse for a couple of hours. Glad the flu's almost gone, sorry about the allergies though. About the only thing that I'm allergic to is wasp stings, which cause a severe asthmatic reaction in me.
    Take care
