Mary Ellen Courville

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
2007 Wal-Mart Teacher of the Year, Mary Ellen Courville strives to build connections with students. Empathy motivates her writing as well. Her voice is heard locally through regular parenting articles in BRParents magazine.

Fiction is Mary Ellen's first love, however. In 2007 a short story "Breathe," inspired by the aftermath of the Louisiana hurricanes, appeared in an anthology. The companion Y/A novel tracks the lives of three teens as they face life after destruction and rebuild. It is currently in the revision phase.

Elementary children have received most of Mary Ellen's writing attention recently as her first children's book "The Pilgrim's Basket" awaits released in August 2008. As both a teacher and a writer, Mary Ellen listened as she heard about a class of Louisiana children who grew a garden and donated the vegetables to hungry families. "The Pilgrim's Basket" is a fiction children's story based not on the lessons the learning project meant to teach, but the unexpected outcome that taught the most. Check out its journey through the publication process at

Comment Wall:

  • Linton Robinson

    Hi Mary Ellen

    Let me invite you to join my new Self Publishing group here on BMN. Help us build a resource and clearinghouse for people who want to be their own publisher.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hello Mary,

    Welcome to BMN, and thank you for being apart of my friend circle! I look forward to networking with you.

  • carol stanley

    I guess I exaggerated a bit! I spend at laest two hours a day..writing articles, answering blogs, estab. relationships with like blog andwebsites..It takes a lot of time..and remember all the connections you make do not work..I have gotten a lot of promises..and they often fall thru...BUt I figure if I throw enough mud against the wall it will stick...And authors can help each sharing names, blogs, and ideas..carol stanley
  • carol stanley

    You know Mary Ellen it has always been my way..Just keep forging and trying to make headway daily. The internet is so prime to day..and people are on line a lot. There is a lot of information and opportunity...So keep me posted on your progress..and we will build a mud house..carol "
  • Bonnie L Pelton

    Thanks for the add!! Great seeing you here!
  • Linda L Wagner

    Mary Ellen, if you don't mind me asking, did you go with a traditional publisher or self publihing? I had a publisher at one time, but really felt insecure about some things and backed out of the contract. I heard yesterday there is some inner turmoil so serious that I do not know if they will be able to survive. Someone wrote me from administration and said they were so glad that I didn't have a book pending publication which says a lot to me. Now I have a book all ready for publication, illustration done, layout done, but no PH. i do not know where to turn. I have many other stories ready for submission. I really feel at loss now. Any suggestion ? I am so happy for you and your book to come out this fall. You must be so excited too. Kudo's to you.