Georgia Richardson

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Southern Humorist, Author, Motivational Speaker and Gabologist Georgia Richardson, or Queen Jaw Jaw, currently writes a monthly humor column for The National Association of Baby Boomer Women (NABBW) and BOOMER Magazine. She’s been published in Woman’s World, Shoals Woman, Guidepost online, GRAND magazine, Chicken Soup for the Soul Magazine, and a host of other online and print publications.

Her debut book, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Throne, consists of every day life experiences with just a twist of the imagination. Her second book, Pink Jasper- Gems from the Journey, was written by Georgia and five other women across the United States, Canada, and England and … they’ve never met. Her third book is scheduled for release in the Fall-‘07. Visit her Queendom

Comment Wall:

  • Dianne Schwartz

    I'm so glad you're here. I'm sure you'll liven up this site!
  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    Haha!! I see you are giving the ladies and gentlemen a quick taste of your rapier wit . . . Right off the bat . . . Gotta love it!!!!! Good seeing you over heah . . .
  • Georgia Richardson all WERE bowing and scraping when you came in the castle....right?

    Just joshin' with ya babes....who luvs ya? Da Queen does honey....
  • Pamela June Kimmell

    Hail to the Queen! I'm here too....still working on my page - including getting rid of THIS photo and putting a more "me" one up....all good things take time - eh?
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Georgia (Queen),

    Welcome to BMK! I thought your photo looked familiar and then I realized I remember you from Boomer Women forum.

    I look forward to networking with you.

    Enjoy the weekend!
  • Georgia Richardson

    Yuhoo all you guys and dolls. Is this fun or what?

    Lady Di (Dianne for you layman), honey, I was so tickled to see you here among my "buds." Its like old home week. Anyone want to talk "shoes?" LOL!

    We have Jerry Bolton to thank for gathering us all here. Luv ya Jerry!

    Pam, you KNOW I love that photo of you so "hush yo mouth" as we say down South....

    Ahhhh...Lynnie...what a sweet thang to say. You don't have to clean the moat for a week. No, no, don't thank me, its what I do. Who luvs ya honey?

    Nadia, I saw your beautiful picture and remembered your writing, I just HAD to be one of your "buds" on here. You have such talent!

    Gosh, this place is hopping! You gotta love I right?
  • Vicki M. Taylor

    Hey, it's my #1 fan!! Always great to see you, JJ. You liven up the place where ever you go.
  • Georgia Richardson

    Ahhh shucks Ms T, (Queen bows head, drags pointed toe back and forth in pretense of being coy) go on with, I mean it...go on...and on...and on. What?

    A girl can try, can't she?
  • Lawrence Abiola Olaifa

    Hello Queenjj, That was a great uplifting and inspiring piece. You remind me that what you propose to be is what you become. We all have the potential to succeed or fail at the same rate. What you get is what you tune in to get. Be who you want to be no matter what, ditch your odds and connet your dreams.

    Thank you for the contribution and have a great day.
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hello Georgia,
    Thanks for the friendship request. I was checking out your sites and enjoyed reading about you & your books. Love your sense of humor, you're a true Southern gal!
    Have a great evening,
  • Georgia Richardson

    This is too cool! I love having new friends and especially ones that adore me. You all DO adore me, right?

    Okay, just joshin....but I have to say that I can't remember a place where so many authors/writers have come together under one roof and they're ALL nice. What are the odds?

    Lawrence, thank you kindly for the feedback. Your words are my mantra. Life is so short so yes, connect with what excites you and go for it! Sailboats weren't meant to sit in the habor...

    Yuhooo! Colleen, thank you as well. I love that baby you're holding. I just happen to be a great animal lover, myself.

    All, please drop by the castle any time, won't you? Me castle is your castle!

    Royally yours, QJJ
  • Marion James

    Hi Georgia

    As a Brit I guess I owe allegiance to only one Queen, (i.e. Lizzie the Second) but I loved your approach to bookstores. If only every author who came into our store had a clear idea of what they want to get out of the meeting and a clear proposition for us rather than "can you take my book I know it will sell lots of copies and make you very rich". If you are ever Istanbul, Turkey way - we'd love to see you!
  • Charlotte McPherson

    When I read about you I thought of another author, Barbara Johnson...she is hilarious and makes great points, but she is not southern like us. I look forward to getting my hands on some of your work. Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Georgia Richardson

    Ms James and McPherson...sounds like a fine wine, doesn' it? Welcome ladies to my royal home. Marion, its totally okay to owe allegiance to THAT Queen; I mean, she WAS here first, you know? But I'm honored by your presence here, just the same.

    Ms McP, I'm not familiar with Barbara Johnson. Would you have a web site I could check out? I love meetings other humorist, and let me say that reading their work inspires me as well.

    Are both of you women in the same country? I'm confused....then again, I can blow my nose and be confused, nothing new there.
  • Sherri Knight

    Hi Georgia,

    I wanted to thank you for your comments on my forum topic - Co-Publishing. I, too, have decided to self-publish. While I'm psyched about it, I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me. I'm trying to learn and absorb as fast as I can. Thanks for the advice!
  • Georgia Richardson

    You are certainly welcome. We all learn from one another. Let me add that regardless if you go traditional OR self pub, you will, unless you are Ann Lamont or Stephen King, have the same amount of hard work. Why not do it and at the same time, control the purse strings, I say...
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Georgia,

    Hope you are having a good Labor Day. We have to labor on it on Monday since it is only an American holiday.

    If you google her name, Barbara Johnson, she comes up on the first page a few times. One link is:

    Marion James (UK) and I (Texan) are both in Turkey and are business colleagues eg co-owners of a large English bookstore and small publishing house. Best to you!

    If you ever plan to come this way, we can arrange some speaking opportunities for you, just let us know.
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Georgia,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. This week’s featured author is Nikki Leigh. Nikki shared some excellent tips on how an author can market themselves.

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage

    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author