Linore Rose Burkard

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Regency (Historical) fiction with an Inspirational kick is my specialty.
My first book, Before the Season Ends, is still drawing readers and was an instant hit with them; So much so that Harvest House will be republishing it in a beautiful new edition which will reach many more bookstores-and readers. (Like rare books? Collectors' items? Get a copy of the first edition before it is removed from the market! I'm certainly keeping mine!)

And just In case you ever wondered, allow me the honor of telling you: God Is Good.

The sequel to my first book, (tentatively titled, The House on Grosvenor Square," ) is also in the works and will follow Before the Season Ends through Harvest House.
If you're not a fan of Jane Austen and the regency yet, perhaps I'll be the author to "convert" you. [grin] The Regency was an enormously distinctive period in English history--from costume and manners to lifestyles and language. If you want to learn painlessly about the era, sign up for my monthly newsletter "Upon My Word!" and you'll get an easy-to-swallow dose of fun, facts and fashion in your in-box just often enough to be a welcome sight. Pretty soon you'll know why I'm fond of saying, "The Regency? You've got to love it!"
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Comment Wall:

  • Anita Davison

    Hello Linore, It's nice to meet you and thanks for adding me to your friends list
  • Anita Davison

    Yup all of that, I have just sent back the galley for my second novel, which is a sequel to the first set during the Glorious Revolution of 1688 - it should be out in the Spring, do look out for it.

  • Bill Frank

    Hi, Linore. You're right. I'm a person interested in helping others market their books. A book dilettante, if you will.
  • Bill Frank

    I offer a variety of new marketing ideas. Contact me by e-mail to learn more;
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Hello, Lenore,
    It's nice to hear about you. I hope you'll allow me to add you to my Friends list, as I am about to request.
  • Anita Davison

    Hello Linore
    If you have a moment on a sleepy January Monday, do drop by my latest interview at Unusual Historical Blogspot.

    There's a copy of Duking Days Rebellion being offered in a draw too.

    Unusual Historicals Blogspot
  • Amber Dawn Bell

    Thank you, Linore! Yes, I love romance and Christmas. LOL. Perfect combination.
  • Pamela June Kimmell

    Hi Linore....thanks for visiting my page. The book I'm working on (which I refer to as #2!) is the second book in my Bailey Ferrol mystery series. They feature the same cast of characters in the same small Virginia town. I have other projects in the works but the series is my main focus right now. It's been a while since "The Mystery of David's Bridge" came out and with a continuous series I'm hoping it's not too late to keep my fans interested in the adventures of my main any rate, the second book (which doesn't have a name yet) should be published by this Fall. Good luck to you too!
  • shirley dicks

    Thanks for visiting my page. I'm updating Road Angels and will be trying harder to get it out there. THere are thousands of ladies who ride motorcycles and I'm hoping they'll want to buy a copy of it.....will have to go to some of the meetings and yearly conventions perhaps and set up......

    Going to try to really market myself this year with The Choice is Yours as well and see what I can do with both of them as well as my newest one....thanks shirley
  • Chau Van Truong

    Which background is difficult Rose?

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  • Jo Fulkerson

    I'm a little late commenting back, but I was happy to hear from you. The reason I started writing a novel so late was that I was laid up from an auto accident in which my youngest son was killed and so I decided I had the time while recuperating. And I've kept at it ever since.
  • Donald James Parker

    Hi. Thanks for accepting my invitation. I did not put a lot about my books partly so people would go to the website instead and partly due to lack of time. I've spreading myself awfully think between writing/programming/marketing/networking. Thanks for the suggestion!!
    god bless