Bonnie L Pelton

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Books out:
Another day to live life
59 poems, with 2 of my drawings featured
author name: Bonnie Lee Pelton
Fun , emotional and uplifting, try it you may like it
Barnes& or phone 301-695-1707

Second book:
Why can't I be like other creatures?
children's book,fun humorous pictures,
about just realizing the best person you can be is yourself !! author name Bonnie Pelton

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  • Brian L Porter

    Hi again,

    Will keep this short as I've had a couple of drinks with Malcolm. Will try and think of some tips for you on the marketing angle and get back to you tomorrow. I may be able to offer some advice that could help. Leave it with me. It's after 9 p.m. here now and I'm getting sleepy, been a long day with all the dogs etc.

    Be in touch tomorrrow.

    Best regards

  • Bonnie L Pelton

    Hi Brian,
    Just saying a quick hi! Tried to vote for your cover, my computer couldnt bring up the page.......Say hi to Alfie and Tilly and the gang, Ginger's hanging in there , Hope you're having a great weekend.......
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,
    Got your message. Thanks for the vote. I really appreciate it. All the dogs are fine. Alfie has been to his first training session and did great.

    Have a lovely day, and thanks again.

  • Brian L Porter

    I meant to ask you what your day job is. You mentioned it the other day and I forgot to inquire. Is it anything to do with animals or nature? By the way, did you realise we share the same initials, B.L. P. ?
    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    I'm glad you get to work with animals. That must be terrific. It's a bank holiday here today and we took all five dogs for along run in some nearby woods. They loved it, even Alfie, who we daren't allow off-lead yet, but who enjoyed it on a long extended lead.
    I'd be happy to share some marketing ploys with you. I do have an agent who gets my name out everywhere she can, and I do quite a bit myself. The quickest tip I can give you is to do a search of and find all the writers sites you can and sign up to them and get your name known by as many people as possible. You can even market and promote your book through many of them, as you can here at Book Marketing Network. Bleive me, the more people who hear about your book, the more will buy it. It works, believe me Bonnie. I also took out an ad with a newsletter/magazine in the far east that gets over 8,000 hits a day. It didn't cost much but the site gets so many hits that even if a small percentage buy a copy of the book, it helps enormously. The Far east is such a mega market and if an author can get known over there, you have a huge potential readership waiting for you. If you want details of that one I can send it to you in a private message.

    Best regards to BLP from BLP
  • Brian L Porter

    I'll put some details together and send you them to you asap. Probably be tomorrow. Will also answer your question re agents etc at the same time. I may be able to help you there. Leave it with me. Alfie, Tilly and the others all say "Woof".

    Take care

  • Brian L Porter

    Great sunset pic, bonnie.
    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,
    Thanks for the comment. Alfie's training is coming along nicely. We're taking him to be microchipped today. He was too skinny when we first got him, but he's put some weight on now, so it should be ok. Tilly and the others are all fine thanks, hope Ginger's behaving herself.

    You have a great weekend too.

  • Brian L Porter

    Nice new pic of Ginger! It's Sunday morning and just because I want to take the dogs out, it's pouring with rain. The forecast says it's going to be like this all day, so looks like I'm going to get very wet.

    Have a good day.

  • Brian L Porter

    A nice, dry, arid dersert would do me fine right now. I feel like a fish! Good luck when you contact Aidana, glad you like the look of her services.
    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    It's pretty hot here today, though not as hot as in your location I'd imagine. Take a look at this:

    I'm just about to take Alfie for his first experience of intensive clicker training.

    Enjoy your day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Hoep you're ok and that it's not too unbearably hot there today. Alfie went to be neutured yesterday, though today you'd hardly know he'd had an op. He's bouncing around like a spring lamb.

    Tilly is very poorly today though. I have to take her to the vet this evenng. She has been passing a lot of blood when she's gone to the toilet. I'm very worried about my special little girl. Will let you know what happens.

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi again Bonnie,

    Thanks for the prayer for Tilly. She's at my feet here in the office right now, just as she always is when I'm working. Every now and then she whimpers, and I know she needs to go out again. I can't imagine what things would be like if she weren't here. The only appointment I could get with the vet today is for 6.20 p.m. which seems a long way off. I also have to drive 15 miles with her in the car to get there.

    On the subject of work, have you made contact with Aidana yet. Would it help if I told her about you before you email her?

    Could I please ask you for another vote for my novel Purple Death, which is this month's nominee for the Authors Lounge Awards at

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for the vote Bonnie, and more especially for the prayer for Tilly. she's still at my feet, well actually she's resting her head on one of my feet as I'm typing. Aidan doesn't charge a penny to clients, she works off commission only. she is an illustrator as well and will charge if you want her to design a cover for you, but that's nothing to do with her literary agency work. If you can give me som eidea of what your book is about I'll get in touch with her, give her a head's up about you and tell her to expect a submission from you in the near future. How does that sound? I wish you success but obvioulsy I can't sway hwer one way or the other, as the decision will be hers alone. I'm just another mere author after
    Hope the rest of your day goes well. I'm setting off for the vet's in about 30 minutes.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Tilly is bleeding from her large intestine. She may have been poisoned, accidentally by something she's picked up in the woods. she has a hihg temperature and is now on two lots of medication in an attempt to cure the problem. Is she doesn't improve by tuesday she has to go bak to the vet. We've even let her curl upon our bed, and we don't usually allow any of the dogs on there. She will obviously not be doing her agililty training today, as she''s not well enough, and she'll miss doing that very much as she enjoys it such a lot. I justhope she shows some sign of improvement today. thanks for praying for her.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Your prayers appear to be working. Tilly is already responding to the medications and has shown signs of slow improvement today. She's still a long way from being her usual self, but she's definitely better than she was yesterday. the vet did tell me that it would be around next Tuesday before she'd be fully recovered if the tablets work, so I just hope she continues to make steady improvement each day. I'm going to take her for a short walk soon and see how she enjoys it.

    We went out for a couple of hours this afternoon and Unfortunatley Alfie just about wrecked the kitchen while we were gone! If we can't solve this probelm, (this is the 2nd time he's done it), he may have to go back, as the other dogs are all perfectly calm when we leave them, and he's the obvious culprit. I've just spoken to my dog trainer who is going to try and come up with something that might help.
    I hope we don't have to put him back in the sanctuary and we'll try everything we can with him, but we can't have the home totally trashed whenever we go out.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Tilly is vastly improved Bonnie, thanks. Maybe your prayers are being answered, along with mine. Alfie has been a bit better too. We took him to the park and then to the pub and sat in the beergarden, and he's really behaved well, so he gets to stay at least for now. He's so adorable. wE really don't want to lose him. We're going to try and get a large crate for him so we can leave him in there when we go out, and then he can't destroy anything. The others all settle down and go to sleep when we're out but he just wants to play, which is understandable, but he has to learn his 'house manners'.
    So all in all, it's not been bad day, and Tilly should soon be back to her old self if continues to make progress a she is doing.

    Thanks so much for caring, hope you have a great day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Sorry to hear you've not been too good today. Hope you get that new day job before long. Poor Tilly has now developed a bad cough on top of her other problems. It's awful to see her feeeling unwell as she's usually so bright and bubbly. Alfie had to go back to the vet yesterday, as he's developed Colitis after his operation. Apart from that, he's behaving reasonably well at the moment, so he's 'safe' for

    Thanks for taking the time to check on the doggies.

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Just dropped by to say hello. Hope you haven't been working too hard and that you're feeling better than you did the other day. Tilly is getting better, she's a bit more like herself agan, but still not 100%. Alfie's doing ok.

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Good to hear from you. Sorry you're still so tired. You must do something about that job! Tilly is still improving, and we're taking Alfie along with her to the agility ring today to see if he can learn from her. Should be fun! It's very warm here today but not quite as hot as where you are. 106 degrees, wow!! Hope Ginger's still making progress with her 'education'.
    I'll be looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards and have a great day, (try to keep cool).

  • Brian L Porter


    I love the ducks, the hare and the Ostrich? Glad you're ok. Tilly still making progress today. we now have a large crate for Alfie, (his den), and he's been good in that while we've been out twice. It's a bit cooler here today. I think you'd enjoy theses temperatures. Going to take Tilly and Alfie for a walk together in a minute. Hope your day is going well. Love to Ginger.

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi again,
    Good to hear from you. Enjoy your hard earned day off. Get your shoes off, put your feet up and read a good I'm sure you'd like to but have too much to do to allow that little luxury. Tilly is now much better, and Alfie is learning a little more each day. Hope Ginger's well. I'll look forward to seeing the new pics when you can get them uploaded.

    By the way I'm pleased to have been made "Author of the Week" at "The Independent Wrtiers Network". You might like to check it out.

    Have a really good day, and try to relax a bit.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hey, good luck with the book signings. Glad you liked the IWN page. The new photos are great. I love the pic of the desert panorama. Tilly is now much better but Alfie is proving a handful to walk near other dogs. I'm just about to goout with them again.

    Be in touch again soon.


  • Brian L Porter

    Wow, it sounds hot there! Tilly is now almost back to normal and Alfie is still making slow progress wiht his behaviour. The rest of the pack are fine. Hope you're feeeling a bit less stressed than earlier. Have a great day Bonnie, I've just got up and am in dire need of coffee!
    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks Bonnie,
    Temperatures here are about 70, nothing like you have, but even this feels hot after the cold spell we've had all year. Just been for a long walk with the dogs, now going in the garden for a beer!

    Take care and try to keep cool.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you had a good time with your old friend. I enjoyed my beer in the garden. I have some news. An elderly gentleman whose wife is sadly terminally ill needs a new home for his beloved Westie, a five year old called Molly. We don't really have space for any more but we are going to look after her until we can find a home for her. She arrives tomorrow.
    I hope things are a bit cooler for you today, it's opnly 8 a.m. here and it's quite hot (by our standards), already. We're going dog training later, and then this afternoon we have to go to Worksop, about twenty five miles away, where Juliet's father owns a golf club. It's Presdient's day and we're invited to the buffet and drinks bit. Should be fun, if a bit formal.

    right, it's time for morning walkies, so I'll sign off and hope to hear from you soon.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Molly is with us now, and she's gorgeous. We may even keep her! The event at the Golf CLub was quite nice. Juliet's dad was once a Ryder Cup golfer for Great Britain and now owns his own course. I feel a bit like a fish out of water there, but never mind.
    It's very windy and cold here today, blowing a gale in fact.

    Will try and get a nice pic of Molly tomorrow and put it up here. Love to Ginger.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Seems like you know me too well. We just fell in love with her yesterday and i've already taken out insurance for her, so I guess that makes her ours now! If the weather improves later, I'll get a nice picture of her and put it on here for you to see. Poor thing has an ear infection, sores on her back and fleas! I've had to treat her and all the pack. They hated it! None of our dogs has ever had fleas. That comes of her being in kennels for three weeks before we got her, while her owner was in hospital. He's heartbroken to lose her but pleased she has come to a good home. Hope you have a good day. Glad you don't like golf too, (it's not just me then).

    Thought you might like to see the cover for a short story I did some time ago. If you'd like to read it I'll send you a copy.
    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I've just loaded a couple of pics of Molly plus some of the others. We're definitely keeping her. We've sorted out the flea thing, they're all ok now. Molly also has an ear infection which we're treating and has a foot problem too. She'll take a bit of sorting out. Do you have an ordinary email address I could send Wolf to?

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you liked the photos. She is rather cute isn't she? Tilly and Alfie have become great friends as you can see, and she really does act like a mother hen to them all.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie, Your book arrived today, and the girls loved it. I read it too and it is a charming and beautiful story. The message it carries is relevant to both children and adults, and it is heartwarming to read. I will most certainly be putting a very positive review on Amazon for you later, but am just going out to dog trainign with Tilly and Alfie. Hope you're having a great day.

    I recommend your book to anyone with children!

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    Training was great! Tilly did lots of new stuff, first time of asking, and Alfie was incredibly good considering his lack of experience. The trainers, who are anohter Brian, and Carol think Tilly is telepathic, as she seems to understand what's wanted of her without even being told. Coming from them, that's praise indeed!

    Have a great day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Don't work too hard over there. The 4th is our wedding anniversary, Of course it isn't a holiday here in the UK but we had a good day nevertheless.
    Did you have a good celebration?

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    When do you ever rest? I've just put a review of your book on and the same one on

    Hope you like it. I've also added it to Barnes & Noble.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    You're welcome. It's a great book. Hope you sell loads.

    Big woofs from the gang.

    Best regards

  • carol stanley

    Hi Bonnie...Just a quick question..have you been happy with publishamerica? I had once sent them a proposal and they were interested and then changed their minds...Just curious as to your relationship with them happy or not? Good luck with your book..What are you doing for marketing? carol stanley author "For Kids 59.99 and Over"
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I'm so hot. Just going for a cooling bath and then put my feet up for the evening. I've been working on the first of the Dog Tales Series this afternoon, since getting back from training. 'Tilly's Tale' is coming along nicely. Two chapters done and another three or four to go. I'm keeping them to a manageable length for kids to read, so the whole book will be about ten thousand words, then of course the illustrations have to be added.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    I hope you get that sleep you deserve. I've finshed Tilly's Tale. Would you like to sneak a look at it? If so I'll emai lit to you and you can give me it's first advance reveiw. Hope you're ok, it's really hot here today, over 30 degrees C.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    It's geting hotter here!

    Good news is that my series of Dog Tales has been accepted by 4RV Publishing on the basis of that one story about Tilly. Not bad eh? I'm a happy bunny right now.

    Have a good day.

  • Brian L Porter

    Glad you enjoyed the first of the tales. I hope I can keep up the quality in the others. The publihser has already sent Tilly's Tale for editing.

    Best regards

  • Graham Odenyo

  • John Hachmann

    My pleasure. Cute dog!
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    thanks, your page looks good too.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hope the errands go well.

    I'm having a really bad day here.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hope you got all your errands done. Stil not a great day today, but a bit better than yesterday.

  • Brian L Porter

    You have a good day too. Just going dog walking.

    Best regards


    P.S. Come asnd join me at

    You can promote your books there and celebrate any successes you might have,
  • Brian L Porter

    You're welcome. Just going out now, got held up writing about a post mortem...hehe

  • Wendy Whittingham

    Ditto Bonnie ..... great meeting you!
  • Susana Marcos

    Congratulations! Bonnie . It´s very nice meet to you this place .
    Kisess Regards. !!
    Susana Marcos.
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Bonnie,

    'Fraid your photo came out all elongated onmy page. couldn't make it out at all, shame.

    Lots of woofs from the gang.
