Maggie Wilson



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
One medical crime fiction and one holiday read in the process of seeking a publisher. Watch this space for further news and links soon !

Comment Wall:

  • SusieSunshine

    Hey, Lady!!!! So glad to see you here. You will learn a lot!!!!! If you have any questions, just ask!
  • Maggie Wilson

    Thanks for telling me about the site ! There is so much here for me to learn from !
  • Louis Bourgeois

    my experience with has been mostly very positive...I have been a little frustrated with my inability to translate my books page for page in the same format as I have them in word files. But otherwise I have been very impressed with the quality of the printed books themselves....and that it's all free still boggles my mind!
  • Lloyd Lemons

    Thanks for the invite.
  • Beth Trissel

    Hi Maggie! A medical crime fiction and a holiday read, unusual combination. Good luck launching these. I'm a new author with the Wild Rose Press. I have several UK author friends that I've made through the Wild Rose and one I met doing a blog together. Isn't it amazing how the internet can bring us all together?
  • Tom Mcgreevy

    Sorry so long to reply, but just returned from hols on the Isle of Wight.
    I actually publish with ' Rossendale Books ' publisher, and he uses Lulu for marketing. I a very pleased with Rossendale and Lulu efforts.
    See my contents page on Lulu at:
    or visit my website at:
    Tom Mcgreevy
    Author of ' Poems for Paula '
    all the best Maggie, from Horton, Berkshire, UK