Faye Tollison

79, Female

Greer, S.C.

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am in the process of editing and doing some rewrites on my first book. I've also started my second book which is a spin off of the first book.
Anna Kayce finds herself being taken advantage of by Senator Kenneth Levall. He is using her to deliver drug money. On one of these deliveries her car breaks down and she finds herself being rescued by Detective John Mentz, whom she eventually falls in love with. Senator Levall hires a hit man to kill her sister because she knows too much and Anna finds herself investigating her own sister's murder. The showdown finally comes and Anna holds the gun on the Senator. Det. Mentz comes up behind her and tries to push her arm away, but the gun goes off. Who actually shot the Senator? Anna, who was determined to prove the Senator had her sister murdered, or John Mentz, who was in love with Anna and wanted her away from the Senator's stronghold. The Prosecutor believed they were both responsible, but were they?

Comment Wall:

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Faye,

    Welcome to BMN! I look forward to networking with you.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    As you've said such nice things about me and my book on Aidana's blog the least I could do is invite you to join my list of friends. I do hope you'll accept.

    Beat regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    Thanks for accepting my invitation. I will look forward to hearing much more form you in the future. I know I write from 'the dark side' but I'm not half as bad as Aidana thinks....well, not quite!

  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hello Faye,

    I like your page. I see you are becoming much more familiar with the site.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    OK then, I'll stay in Ripper mode as you like it so much, hehe I can be very very bad when I'm let out of my box!

  • Elysabeth Eldering

    Hey you - glad to see you on some of the forums. Great news about signing on with an agent. Aidana is really sweet. She will do you right and who knows, in a couple of years we will be doing book signings together at the Open Book - see you at the meetings - E :)
  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    Glad you like the website, and especially pleased to hear you've signed with Aidana. God for you, and good luck with all your future writings. I'm glad you're an animal lover, but beware....my dogs are NOT cat frinedly. (I think they've inherited Jack's genes...lol)

    Have a good day, but don't turn turn the lights out at night, you never knwo who's about!

  • Brian L Porter

    Ah, an attack cat eh? Like this?

    My dogs are alwasy trying to catch and dismember next door's two cats, but haven't quite suucceeded yet, though one of them did get a bit of tail one day! I must try to lurk harder if I'm to pounce on your unsuspecting feline friend one day...lol

    I know! I'll disguise myself as a...

  • Brian L Porter

    Ah, peeking out from under the bed eh? Now I wonder what might be on top of the bed to scare poor Kitty?

    Have a great day Faye.

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    Most of my Ripper ones come from the Jack the Ripper Forums of which I'm a member. A lot of the others I sort of pick up on my travels around the net. it's amazing how many royalty free and public domain images you can find.

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    I just do a search for royalty free or public domain images from time to time and pick up one or two now and then. It's usually best to get them from sites like the forums where I'm a member and the other mebers are usually only too willing to share their imagery.

    Best regards


  • Brian L Porter


    I forgot to add that there are lots of sites that provide free and often moving images for sites like Ning, Facebook, Bebo etc. You'll find them advertised on Bebo and such places.

    Hope this helps

  • Brian L Porter

    You're very welcome Faye. Glad to be of service!

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Hi Faye,

    Thanks for your wonderful 5 star review of 'A Study in Red - The Secret Journal of Jack the Ripper on the Amazon.com website. I'm so delighted that you enjoyed the book so much. Good luck with all of your own literary ventures.

    Best regards
