Joseph Frank Baraba


Santa Fe, New Mexico

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My new book titled: " Dusty," Isbn# 1424120187 is the story about a little boy who finds an abandoned kitten and adopts her. This is the story of her adventures and the great love a boy has for his cat. I have two more books out, the first: " Clara Layten-The Chelsea Murders," and " Visions Of Freedom," based on one man's desire to flee the horrors of the Castro regime, all available at Amazon Books.

Joseph Frank Baraba

Comment Wall:

  • Joseph Frank Baraba

    I hope everyone who reads my book " Dusty," enjoys this heart warming story.


    Joe Baraba
  • Shelagh Watkins

    Hi Joe,

    I love your "Dusty" video!

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Everyone..
    Welcome to my page , what are you all writing ? Great to be here...

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Everyone..
    If you click onto music you'll be able to hear " Dusty" my Audio CD Book based on my original book. The artist is Danny Lee Ingram. He also does Audio CD Books for other authors, here's his e mail:

  • Jeremy Twigg

    The page looks great, Joe!
  • Barbara

    Love your video Joe! 'Dusty' sounds like a great read. And, thank you for your sweet comments.
  • Revvell

    Well, look at you! 5 stars! Congratulations! I tried to look at the video but it's not working for me. I'll try on another server tomorrow.

    Thank you for the add and best to you.

  • Sean Toh

    Hi Joseph,

    It's my honor and pleasure being invited into your network. I believe we could learn a lot from each other and leverage on each other networks. Feel free to drop me a line and talk to me about your possible ideas to turn them into realization. Keep in touch and thanks for the invitation.

    Yours Sincerely
    Sean Toh
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Sean...
    Great to see you here. What kind of books do you write ? Me, I'm working on my 2nd " Dusty," book , many readers have requested a sequel, so far only 6 pages, I would love to publish it myself...

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi EVeryone..

    I added a new video titled: Authors New Books. These books are based on my photography and art, I sell them on as a book or a download . If you go to Lulu punch in my name under search and they'll pop up..... Enjoy.. I added at the top of my page hjere a new photo..

  • Bill Frank

    HI, Joe. I'm not an author like you. I'm a book marketing consultant. Continued success with your book about Dusty.
  • Barbara

    Sent you a message Joe. Love what you've done!
  • maury brooks

    Hello Joseph,

    I listened to part of the audio and like to tone and flow of the story. Great theme.

  • Peter Bowerman

    Hi Joseph,

    Thanks for the note and the well wishes! Best of luck with your book. I listened to your audio clip - well done!

  • Author & Book Promotions

    I'm doing fine Joseph. How are things with you? How is the marketing going?
  • Colleen Breuning

    Hi Joseph, what a darling cat! As you can see I'm a cat lover as well. I think it is quite admirable that you're donating some proceeds of your book to a worthy foundation.


  • Joseph Frank Baraba



    Love your kitty. Thank you for the compliment. I'm trying to work on a sequel to Dusty..

  • Julius Thompson

    Thanks for visiting my website. Julius
  • Joseph Frank Baraba



    Sorry I didn't answer you sooner, busy with a new job , I love your site , very interesting..


  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    This is to all my friends here..

    As of this weekend I will be away on a business seminar, I finally got a new job after being laid off for 6 months, I'm very excited and thrilled...Please leave messages and I will answer when I get back. Take care and " Keep Writing".....

  • Russ Heitz

    Thanks, Joe, good luck with Dusty, too! In addition to my suspense novel I've also been trying my hand at Picture Books texts the past year or so. But the competition is really fierce and so are the odds of acceptance. At least in the 'traditional' world of publishing. Our cat, Tigger, looks alot like Dusty.
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Russ:

    Thanks....Miss Dusty would love your compliment...Would love
    to see a photo of Tigger....I have been trying to work on a sequel
    to Dusty, I only have five pages...I would love to self publish it
    my self , have you ever checked out you can self publish
    they keep a small percentage, you name the price. I have two other
    books I tried through them but I don't know how to scale down the
    size of my manuscript from 8 X 11 to a 6 X 9 book ? Any clues ?

  • Russ Heitz

    Thanks for the note. I tried sending you one back but it seems to have disappeared. This site doesn't work the same as MySpace so I'm not sure I'm following the proper procedure. Maybe I'll try it your way -- write a message to you on MY page. We'll see if that works.
  • Russ Heitz

    Still having trouble leaving you another message. I'll try again on my page. Russ
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hi Joe,

    I'm not sure why the other site wouldn't accept you. That seems strange to me. Perhaps you can try again later.

    Anyway, nice hearing from you.
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    To All My Friends Here..

    I have created a " Garden & Houseplant Group "
    anyone interested in houseplant and gardens please join. I used to write a garden column for a author friend in W. virginia till he sold the paper. I already put a garden tip on the group page and believe you me, it does work....Enjoy.



    I will try that again later. Thanks..

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Everyone..

    I more of my photography.

  • Terry Whalin

    Hello Joe,

    Thanks for the comment. I have poured a lot of energy into helping writers be more successful with my free Right Writing News which has over 400 pages of how-to-write information only available to subscribers and my blog The Writing Life with more than 700 entries and searchable. Keep up the good work.

    Author of Book Proposals That Sell
  • Russ Heitz

    Thanks for your help and patience, Joe. I love your photos, especially the snowy scene and the cat pix. Not much snow here in Florida so the photo brings back memories. Keep in touch. And best of luck with your many projects!
  • Russ Heitz

    Thanks, Joe, will do. If you've taken all of them you are one good photographer! Russ
  • Terry Whalin


    See if you can look into special markets with your book. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then look for Beyond The Bookstore by Brian Jud--even if you get it from your library.

    Also look around at Jerry Jenkins site at: just for some ideas--because it seems to me that pet stores and cat food companies would be a good place to sell loads of your book--just an idea. You will have to put legs to it. Hope it helps,

    The Writing Life
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hello Everyone.

    Here's a great site I found through another author where you can self-publish yourself and you get a ISBN# , check it out...

  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    The below site listed was created by

  • Mark David Gerson

    Dear Frank,

    Thanks for the invitation. It's great to find other New Mexicans here!

    Mark David

    P.S. Do you attend any of the following? NM Book Coop...NM Book Ass'n...SW Writers
  • Jerry Pat Bolton

    I have three novels self-published . . . One, "My Mother's Revenge" is a down-home, south Louisiana thriller . . . "Margaret and David: A Love Story" is about an interracial love story which takes place eight years after America's second civil war, which the Black Muslims won and exacted revengeful retribution to the white race. Margaret, black and David, white fight the odds in a tale reminiscence of the original civil rights movement in this country . . . My newest novel is a detective-thriller and is called "Write To Murder," and involves literary skullduggery in a writing club in Sans Souci, Louisiana . . .
  • Anita C. Lee

    Thank you for the invitation to join your friends. I spent all day Tuesday in Santa Fe, speaking to two groups and hanging out in between gigs on Canyon Rd.

    Love the photos! Our son is a photographer. I'll have to show him your work.

    Anita Lee
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi Anita :

    Thank you for the kind words. I love photography, matter of fact went to Phoenxi. Arizona on abusness seminar , trust me didn't like it hot ! 111 degrees, give me Santa Fe anytime...

  • Author-Poet Aberjhani

    Hello Joseph--

    Thanks for stopping by to say hello and for sharing the tip on Amazon. DUSTY sounds like a wonderful title. I wish you much success with it.

  • David A. Lewis

    Hi Joe,

    Glad to see you here too. Thanks for stopping in.
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    Hi David..

    Great to see you here...

  • Loretta A. Murphy

    Site looks great.
    It's a big wide world of authors out here.
    Thanks for the tip.
    The Pipes Are Calling
    ISBN 142414826X
  • Shara Smock

    I just added some of my cat pix. Hope you can come see them.

  • Marion James

    Hi Joseph. Thanks for the friend request. I am actually a cocker-spaniel lover. I do my bit for the cat world by trying to stop my dogs chasing them up the tree. Best wishes for success of your book.
  • Kris Stanhope

    Hi Joseph. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. I hope all is well with your writing.
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi, I have two cocker spaniels. When I was a child I always had a cat. I loved cats! About two years ago my business colleague was given a Cocker Spaniel because the owners were leaving Turkey. I fell in love with the dog. She was about 9 yrs. then. A few weeks ago a woman gave me her young Cocker-about age 5. Turks do not know much about pet care and when they realize they require time and some care, they sometimes decide they do not want the pet anymore. Cockers are great pets. I write as a columnist for a English newspaper in Turkey. You might enjoy my article about dogs- copy, paste, and click and you can read it:
    Hope you enjoy it--Hope your book sells well. Charlotte
  • Joseph Frank Baraba


    All Authors...

    The following is a new site created by Amazon called: Creat Space . It's for authors who want to publish on demand and Amazon will give free ISBN#'s ans UPC codes for Audio Cd Books ( their still working on the Audio CD Books ) Check it out I think it's a great idea, I plan to publish my Dusty sequel through them.

  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Joseph,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. .

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage
    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Barbara

  • Barbara