Ryan Trevor

72, Male


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm a writer: Songwriter, Poetry, new book published. Been in the music business since the mid 1970's, some friends are Barry Manilow, Robin Trower, Paul McCartney, Paul Freeman, John Footman and scores of A&R from Warner Bros and Capitol Records. Have a recording studio and publishing company called by the same name "RyanSongs Music". Have two new Music CD's out (Go to myspace.com/ryantrevor)

About the Book:
From the outback of a childhood disaster which exiles him across the Great Pond to England and then to the remote interior of Brazil, all within the span of his childhood, follow the adventure with Ryan as he encounters exciting situations and fantasies which move him into his young adulthood. As a Child of the 60’s, he becomes as big as life with the movement and the politics of that era, from the college protest rallies of the Vietnam War through the Hippie Movement at Haight /Ashbury in San Francisco. Having a father who was working as a CIA covert and a mother who was a conservative born out of the Church of England, the situations of being at the wrong place at the wrong time seem to occur more than not. Down on Backwards Trail sets an atmosphere of breaking the boundaries and allowing you to go home.

Comment Wall:

  • Revvell

    Hi Ryan,

    Thank you for the add. Love the music! Sent you a "add friend" at MySpace. Your book sounds interesting. Maybe after we get the website/podcast up and running you'd like to do an interview on my show?

  • Raffa Predieri

    Hi Trevor, thank you for the invitation!
    I like your music, especially Glass Voices
  • Kelly Komm

    Nice to meet you, Ryan!
  • Judith Briles

    Good Morning Ryan...look forward to following your career
  • Charleen Micheles

    Dear Ryan, Sitting here enjoying your music. Thrilled to have you as a friend. If you will go to my website on myspace, it is all authors and their books, come join us there too:
  • ceci miller

    Thanks, Ryan, for the invite and for the sounds! Very interesting story, too. Best of everything to you, Ceci www.CeciBooks.com
  • Colleen Breuning

    Wow, I just love your music Ryan. I am really into ambient, Glass Voices is just beautiful. I'll check out your myspace site as well.

  • maury brooks

    Wonderful music.
  • Barbara

    Very nice! Book sounds intriguing and I'm going to check out myspace as well.
  • Zada Connaway

    Your book sounds great, and I like the music as well. We are from almost the exact same era! (I'm just a little older than you are.) Thanks for the invite.
  • Lonnie Cruse

    Thanks for the invite. COOL music. Haven't figured out how to add that yet.
  • jim Kohl

    Thanks for the friendship request, man. Nice to meet you
  • Billie Bookwalter

    Great!Thanx for adding me!
    BBWalter - Author of Sister Light
  • Russ Heitz

    Thanks for being part of my circle, Ryan! I like your site, and the music. I've written in a lot of genres but I've never tried song writing. My oldest brother (now deceased) wrote many C & W songs and had a bunch recorded. I also have a nephew-in-law who writes songs. Must be something going around! Your book sounds good, too. I'll have to check it out. My new suspense novel was just released last month so I'm busy trying to promote it. Russ =www.russheitz.com.
  • Jan Verhoeff

    I don't know about the book yet - but I'm loving the cover!

  • Pamela N Red

    Thanks for the friend request. Nice music.
  • Linda Alexander


    Thx for the friend invite. I enjoyed your music . . . a bit of a trip down memory lane, in many ways. You mention Barry Manilow in your bio. Do you know Kevin DiSimone, one of his back-up singers of yore? I used to do some grassroots PR for Kevin -- very nice & talented musician.

    Your book cover is beautiful!

    Blessings -- Linda Alexander
    Books For The Thinking Reader
  • Elisa Mayo

    Wonderful to be part of your friend circle. I've dabbled in song writing myself-- not for a career, just for fun. Of course, I have since realized that there is much more to writing a song than just words! That is the part that leaves me hanging! Hope to talk with you soon.
  • Vince

    Hi Ryan..thanks for the friend invite....Just learning my way around here...
  • Gene McVay

    Arkansas is about as hot as Vietnam right now. Tomorrow my wife and I will head for the mountains. We will end up in Reno Nevada for the American Legion National Conference after a few days in Steamboat Springs. I flew the 141 from 68 until June 1970. After that I flew the RF-101, F-100, F-4 and F-16. The government has a way of turning something fun into work. Pilots these days have so many requirements that much of the fun is gone. Briefings take hours when real fighter pilots already know what to do. Everything they need to know outside of intelligence, target and threat information could be printed on a card. Debriefing takes even longer. I sometimes miss the flying for a brief moment, I don't miss the bs. I will check out your book. Best wishes, Gene
  • Dianne Schwartz

    Thanks for the invite! I lived in Nashville and most of my friends were songwriters or musicians. I miss their creative minds. I used to sing in Reno years ago.
  • Pat OBryan

    thanks for the nudge- i'm a "recovering" musician. there is a cure!
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hi Ryan...I have two books with PA also...I now publish my own under LULU.com thanks for the invite. good luck with your books...Penni
  • Penni Lynn Smith Weston

    Hey Ryan...on a footnote, I have kind of a real pretty sad love poem that would make great lyrics for a song. Would you be interested in seeing them? Let me know...or you can view the poem over at www.authorsden.com/pennilynnsmith(weston) The title is: Oh, Lost My Love. Take care...Penni
  • Michelle Colson

    Thanks for the invite! I look forward to getting to know you better.
  • Carlos

    Mr. Trevor, Thank your for your support and also for your service to your country. Although being a published author is a very satisfying feeling of accomplishment, the service to our country is one that will never be superceded. As my Marines and I sweat in the hellish heat of Iraq, we want all Americans to know that we are winning no matter what the media says. We are fighting this war with compassion in one hand and a knife in the other. Most Iraqis prefer compassion where as the insurgents prefer the knife. The burdens of freedom are what we bear and we stand tall and proud protecting the rights of humanity. Once again, thank you for your service and God Bless the USA.
  • Kathleen Gage

    Hi Ryan,

    I would like to invite you to join my Ning Book Marketing network. I have been a published author for many years and love to network with others who have a passion for writing and publishing.

    If you get a chance, please visit my blog to read my special feature called The Author’s Corner. . http://www.kathleengage.blogspot.com

    Have a great day.

    Kathleen Gage
    The Street Smarts Marketer and Author
  • Lynn C. Johnston

    Hey Ryan.
    I like the music. I'm gonna check out your myspace. Your book sounds really interesting.

  • Lynn C. Johnston

    I'm back. Myspace is definitely cool. I sent you a friend request so I hope you'll accept.

  • Barbara

  • Shelagh Watkins

  • Daniel P Quinn

    Exits & Entrances (2008) AuthorHouse is Featured in NJ Ink by The Star Ledger, Gets Glowing Review in The Montclair Times, and Front Page Coverage in The Italian Voice
    Admission free.for book signings on the East Coast through July 2008, and in California and the West coast during September 2008 for signing of 'Exits & Entrances: and a talk on Opera' at LaScala or his career Off-Broadway. Contact for press copies Author House at 888-280-7715 or http://www.authorhouse.com.
    New York (PRWEB) 3/15/08 -- ArtsPRunlimited announces Daniel P. Quinn availablke for Book Signing Appearances for "Exits & Entrances: Producing Off-Broadway and Beyond, 1981-2006." at Colleges, Universities or Book stores through 2008.
    Exits & Entrances was a selection of the week in NJ Ink by The Star Ledger (2008), received a front page article in The Italian Voice (2008), and a rave review from the current issue of The Montclair Times.(April 3, 2008).

    Exits & Entrances: Producing Off-Broadway and Beyond, 1981-2006.
    His first book, "organized lalbor" (AuthorHouse 2004) was a feature on National Public Radio's Early Morning program with Bonnie Grice in Southhampton, NY. It also received reviews from Sensations, and Davidson Garrett which are on the web. The Village Voice named it Best Book of the Week when "organized labor" was presented at the Bowery Poets Cafe in NYC. The Morris Bergen Record published a wonderful feature article by Jim Beckerman, Libraries have also presented readings and other article's have appeared in The Belleville Times, The Coast Star, and listings in the New York Times.

    Mr. Quinn was formerly affiliated with the Irish Arts Center, where he served as Associate Producer, Producer and Guest Director. His notable works included Janet Noble's Away Alone; Graham Reid's Remembrance, Tom Murphy's The Gigli Concert with Kate Burton, the Obie Award winning Tim McDonnell as Best Actor in Diary of a Madman, revivals of Sean O'Casey's Bedtime Story, and Frank and Malachy McCourt's A Couple of Blaguards. He was also a guest of Aer Lingus at the Dublin Theatre Festival in Ireland.

    He also produced and directed a Special Artists Series at the Bickford Theatre between 2004 and 2007 in Morristown, NJ with Eric Hafen, Artistic Director. He co-directed the controversial Black Jesus Passion Play at the Park Theatre in l997 and 1998. Most recently, he has been affiliated with the Bickford Theatre in Morristown as a Guest Producer with John Trause's epic Latter Day Litany, Opera Bis!, Yeats' PURGATORY with Mickey Kelly, and After The Ball in 2007.

    Both books are also for sale on the web at http://www.authorhouse.com/, or Montclair Book Center. Watchung Book Stores, the Paterson Museum, and Towne Books In Mannasquan, NJ. They are also for sale at the Landmark Tavern in NYC and by request at the Drama Book Shop in Manhattan or on the web at various book sites.
    Post Comment:
  • Anna Maria Prezio

    Thank you for your loving and supportive comments. I am honored to receive them from such a talented and soulful poet, writer and amazing musician. Your voice, lyrics, melodies and composition stand out among the very best music has to offer. You remain in my heart and soul....