

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I was born in Mexicali, Mexico and raised in Sanger, California. At the age of 17, I enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and have been on active duty ever since. I recently completed my 23rd year on active duty and I hold the rank of Sergeant Major.

I recently had my book "Mass Exodus the Story of an Illegal Immigrant" published. Shortly after the release of the book I was deployed to Iraq and haven't had the opportunity to get the word out. The story is a fiction and it is based on the illegal immigration issue. It takes you on a ride of hope, despair, frustration, and ultimately concern. Concern that this highly controversial issue could possibly lead to a military conflict between the U.S. and Mexico. If you get the chance I urge you to take a gander at some portions of the book on I look forward to hearing from all of you and getting back to our wonderful country.

Comment Wall:

  • Carlos

    Here are some of the reviews from Barnes and Noble as well as

    Rick, a BAMF., 08/16/2007
    Brilliant...a triumph.
    I complete disagree with the previous review posted. Certainly there are things that we find lacking in any author, but I can not imagine what you could have found in Mass Exodus to conclude it was like 'watching paint dry.' I recommend you read the novel in the frame of one who was not born American, and has had to struggle for every achievement. Through that perspective, the book demands respect and provides glimpses into a man's moral courage, a nation's continuing struggles with poverty and class, and an unnervingly possible parallel to life in our society. Carlos Perez writes with the knowledge unique to a Mexican immigrant, and does a masterful job of framing his hero's actions so that we can better understand the characters', and Carlos', personal struggles. The story follows Genaro, a Mexican-Indian father and husband who determines to reach America in search of the work and opportunity that will elevate his family out of the crushing poverty of the Yucatan. As Genaro moves closer to the United States, his heroic actions set off a chain of events that will come to a conclusion on the U.S./Mexico border. Full of action, hope, courage, tragedy, and intrigue, Mass Exodus will leave you gasping for more. I can not wait to read Carlos Perez's second installment of Genaro's adventures and Mexico's moral revolution. A triumph.

    A reviewer
    This story has it all. From the very first page you will be absorbed into a spectacular account of one man's determination to fulfill his dreams of escaping the 'vacuum of poverty' and another man's determination to maintain a good heart when life continues to offer him nothing but adversity. The story will take you on a wild ride of twists and turns that will keep you speculating what will come next. Just when you think it's safe to put the book down, you'll find that you won't want to. This is never ending excitement and the climax will not disappoint you. The author has created a story of hope and intertwined it with the controversial topic of illegal immigration. The question you'll find yourself asking is whether or not the possibility that this fiction has the potential to become non-fiction. This is an easy to read story with an incredible plot and unforgettable characters. Trust me you will be left wanting more when you're finished. I feel this has great potential to become a 'book to movie' product. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't say that this has been one of the best books about illegal immigration that I have ever read.

    Curtis, Al Anbar Province Iraq, A reviewer, 06/17/2007
    Thrilling, Simply Thrilling!!!
    C. Perez has written an amazing story that will capture your attention and will not let go! From the first page to the very last, Mass Exodus will keep you captivated as you read chapter after chapter. This wonderful story of hope and the will to survive will keep you curiously interested throughout. Perez has taken the illegal immigration issue and created a story that will leave you wondering if both the U.S. and Mexico would really come to the brink of a military conflict. As you read the story you feel as though you are watching a movie. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to be entertained by this incredible thriller.

    Baltazar, A reviewer, 06/17/2007
    A Thought-provoking and Exciting Story
    What a story! This book will grab your attention and will not release it until you are finished reading it. It’s the personification of a “page turner”. C.A. Perez does an incredible job keeping you interested in this story of hope, irony, despair, and inspiration. This fiction is based on the debatable issue of illegal immigration which makes you wonder how easily such an issue can bring us to military conflict with Mexico. This book has alerted my senses regarding the immigration issue. This is recommended for those who want to read a book that is easy to follow but yet creates a tangled web of characters that are brought together by fate. I promise, you will think you watched the movie after reading this wonderful story.
  • Carlos

    More reviews:

    A reviewer, A reviewer, 06/04/2007
    Exciting story
    This book is a quick read, one that will make you want to schedule leisure time for more reading. The author speaks with experience and has a good understanding of immigration challenges, illegal drug movement, border enforcement, and Mexico-U.S. defense issues. Artful method of closing out each chapter. The book provides a very believable example of what could happen that will result in a crisis on the U.S. Southwest border.

    J.M. Judge, an Anthropology Major, 05/24/2007
    A reviewer
    I must agree with the other reviews. If you are looking to read a great book that examines the current Immigration Crises from both sides of the border, then this book is a must read. As a Mexican-American that immigrated to the United States at a young age, Mr. Perez is able to bridge the two cultures. He weaves a complex, intricate, and very entertaining story that tells the immigration story at every possible level. Although a work of fact based fiction, this book gives a personal face to the motivations of almost all illegal immigrants that come to this country seeking a better life (although there are some bad apples, but they are everywhere). From this he paints a possible scenario of what may happen in the near future if we don’t address this complex and difficult social issue and find a harmonious resolution that reconciles the differences between the US and Mexico. What is fiction today may be fact tomorrow.

    Rick, Houston Tx, social studies teacher, 04/30/2007
    C.A. Perez does something with the illegal immigration issue that no one has done before. He has taken the issue and created this wonderful fiction and explains the reasons why many immigrants risk their lives to enter the U.S. illegally. Furthermore, he highlights the problems that are crippling the Mexican government and through the main character in the book conveys hope to better the political situation. Simultaneously, through the main character's personal sacrifice, he inspires the everday Mexican citizen to change his ways and do their part to better their current situation. C.A. Perez' story will make you experience numerous emotions and may change your point of view on the illegal immigration issue. A must read for those that want to be intrigued and moved by the actions of one man.

    TV, who loves to read suspense., 03/29/2007
    A Suspense-Page-Turning Thriller!!!
    A wonderful and well thought out saga full of wonderful characters with chaotic sub-plots weaving into a suspenseful ending. A book that reflects today's cultures in ways never explained.

    Samuel, A reviewer, 03/17/2007
    More Please!!!
    WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! Mr. Perez has hit one out of the park with this story. For many years John Grisham has been my favorite author because of his page turning books. Well it is time to take a break from J.G. and find out what else Mr. Perez has to offer. This a superbly woven story between all the characters with an incredible ending that will leave you asking for more. I think I see a movie in Mr. Perez’s future.

    By Alonzo (Camp Pendleton, Ca, USA) - See all my reviews

    This story has it all. From the very first page you will be absorbed into a spectacular account of one man's determination to fulfill his dreams of escaping the "vacuum of poverty" and another man's determination to maintain a good heart when life continues to offer him nothing but adversity. The story will take you on a wild ride of twists and turns that will keep you speculating what will come next. Just when you think it's safe to put the book down, you'll find that you won't want to. This is never ending excitement and the climax will not disappoint you. The author has created a story of hope and intertwined it with the controversial topic of illegal immigration. The question you'll find yourself asking is whether or not the possibility that this fiction has the potential to become non-fiction. This is an easy to read story with an incredible plot and unforgettable characters. Trust me; you will be left wanting more when you're finished. I feel this has great potential to become a "book to movie" product. Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't say that this has been one of the best books about illegal immigration that I have ever read.

    By B. Hearnsberger - See all my reviews

    This book is a quick read, one that will make you want to schedule leisure time for more reading. The author speaks with experience and has a good understanding of immigration challenges, illegal drug movement, border enforcement, and Mexico-U.S. defense issues. Artful method of closing out each chapter. The book provides a very believable example of what could happen that will result in a crisis on the U.S. Southwest border.
  • Ryan Trevor

    Sergeant Major, I was an 03 USAF in Vietnam (1971-1974), 9th FTS-2nd AF (SAC) @ Beale AFB, Ca. At that time we were the Home of the SR-71. Had the OP to fly with B-52, KC135 & C-130, what a ride that was. Thanks for the service to our country!!! Good luck!