Karen Pierce Gonzalez

70, Female


Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Karen has been interested in folktales and folklore for more than two decades. She has facilitated writing classes and workshops for more than fifteen years and is an award-winning fiction and nonfiction writer. Her writing credits include nomination for the Pushcart Prize (2006) and awards from Farmhouse Magazine (2006), National League of American Pen Women, California Writers Association, and others.
Her work has appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle, North Bay Biz Journal, Australian Trade Community Journal, Verde, Sonoma Mandala, and Zahir Tales as well as other magazines and newspapers.
She earned her Bachelor of Arts degrees in Creative Writing and Anthropological Linguistics/Folklore from Sonoma State University in California. Her folklore research credits include “Sonoma County Scarecrows: Scarecrows as Folk Art,” which was presented to the California Folklore Society.
Publisher, FolkHeart Press.
CEO of Karen Pierce Gonzalez Public Relations: Art, Culture, and Community, she lives in Northern California with her husband and daughter.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks a lot for your kind congratulations Karen.

    Best regards

  • Brian L Porter

    Tried to add you as a friend but I've used up my allotted number of invites it seems. Feel free to add me if you wish Karen.


  • Brian L Porter

    Thanks for adding me Karen.

    Best regards

  • Katie Hines

    Thanks, Karen. I'm very excited about my new book, but a bit of the thrill has dimmed while working through the promotional/marketing aspects of the thing.

    Still, I can't wait for the moment when my first book arrives and I hold it in my hot little hands! I can't imagine a bigger high!
  • Arlene Radasky

    Me Ambitious? I can't hold a candle to you! My book has been self published but I am also giving it away in many forms, downloadable PDF from my sight and many others, serial podcast from my sight and Podiobooks.com and is Kindle, iPhone and iTouch ready. Go to my site to see what and where.
  • Laurel-Rain Snow

    Thank you, Karen!
  • Arlene Radasky

    Hi Karen, Thanks for the information. As I said, my book has been offered as a Kindle upload for about 6 months now. I also have apps on the iPhone and iTouch through the Kindle app and one specifically for my book. I am very much involved in the coming ebook revolution.
  • Katie Hines

    Thanks, Karen. I've never heard of payloadz.com and hadn't considered hiring an online pr person. Was it very expensive? What sort of results have you seen from working on the marketing/promo on your own as opposed to using someone?
  • Katie Hines

    Thanks, Karen. I'll check her out.
  • Katie Hines

    Sounds like it has worked very well for you. What about book sales?
  • Katie Hines

    Yes, providing booksellers buy my book from the distributor. I plan on doing some school and bookstore visits, which should help locally. I've wanted to go to some book festivals w/in my area, but at this point, with my husband's work being slow, that is not a possibility.
  • Arlene Radasky

    Thanks for the payloadz advice. I'll go check it out.
  • Laurel-Rain Snow

    You're welcome! It is so great to interact with other writers.
  • Gladys Hobson

    Impressive awards, qualifications and experience, Karen. And oh, what beautiful hair! I sure could do with a little of it to stick on top of my head. (Now that has given me an idea for a short story)