Anita C. Lee


Albuquerque, NM

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am a personal life coach, motivational speaker, and freelance writer. I love encouraging others to become the persons they were created to be, challenging them to step out of their comfort zones into more fulfilling, abundant lives.

The Authentic You: Becoming the Woman You Were Created to Be, is finished and has been accepted by the publisher, with a publication date of June 1, 2010. I LOVE to speak to women's groups, encouraging them to live boldly for the good of themselves and others.

Comment Wall:

  • Jo Fulkerson

    Yes, I do love that fact. I just hope that one of these days writing will become successful for me.

    I was wondering if you could give me some pointers about promoting and marketing my book(s). I seem to have hit a brick wall and marketing seems to be my weak spot. I have read books about marketing books, and tried to follow everything that John Kremer and Dan Poynter have suggested, but I'm just not getting anywhere. If you hasve any suggestions, I would welcome them with open arms.

    Also, if I were to send you a copy of my first book (self-published) would you be interested in reading it and commenting on it? No rush, just when (and if) you would have time.
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Speaking to a group is extremely difficult for me. I've never been able to say what I want and it has always been more detremental than helpful.
  • Val D. Greenwood

    What type of writing do you do? What are some of the things you have written. Tell us more about yourself and your work. Your profession as a life coach sounds interesting. What does that entail?

    Hoping for more info.

  • Anita C. Lee

    Thanks for your questions. I have written a variety of things--weekly newspaper column, newspaper feature stories, children's Sunday school curriculum-- but am now concentrating mostly on encouraging people to move beyond where they are to where they want to be. I recently finished a book proposal (working title The Authentic You: Becoming the Woman You Were Created to Be), and it's in the hands (or at least off of my desk and hopefully in the hands) of a publisher and an agent. Both had asked to see the proposal after I presented the idea at the Glorieta Christian Writers Conference.

    I also write a monthly online column at and am working on magazine queries and another book proposal.

    As a life coach I help people go beyond what they can do on their own to help them uncover what they really want most out of life. This may be in relationships, parenting, career, or other areas. It's thrilling to hear someone say, "I never thought of that before. This is really helpful!"

    May your writing be all you want it to be--
    Anita Lee

    The coaching is usually done by telephone, making it possible to work with people anywhere in the world.
  • Dahris H. Clair

    Thank you for accepting my invitation. Your work must be very gratifying to you. Helping others has always been uppermost in my mind, but I do it in smaller ways. When I went out to work I was the one they came to if they had a headache or a pain, as I always had something to alleviate it. They shared their problems and concerns, probably because I was always the "elder" (in the last twenty years) and I confess, I've lived through and survived just about everything short of murder.

    Having become involved with The Florida Writers Association (motto: Writers Helping Writers) has given me new purpose and encouraged me to take an active role in helping other writers, 1) by accepting the challenge to lead a group, 2) to organize and produce a one-day writers conference last April, which was so successful we are in the midst of seeking presenters for our "Second Annual Pasco/NPR Writers Conference, April 6, 2008.

    My new e-zine, The Infinite Writer is another vehicle dedicated to the writing craft and is a stage to showcase the works of other writers. I'd be pleased if you'd visit the site: A brand new issue is published on the first of each month.

    Thank you again for adding credibility to my website.
  • Peter Bowerman

    Thank YOU Anita for saying hello. And glad you're a regular subscriber to the newsletter. Good luck with your many ventures!

  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Anita,
    Greetings from the only intercontinental city in the world: Istanbul! Just like the purpose of this website, from reading your page it seems to me that you defintely have shared, given and passed it on. Keep up the blessing ministry and may you be blessed, too!
  • Shara Smock

    Hi Anita,

    I think you may be interested in FL Writers Assn.
    It's a wonderful group for learning, networking, and submitting work to the quarterly magazine. It's actually not only for Florida any more. We have national and even a few international members!

    If you'd like to check it out, please come to

    Have a good week,
  • Connie Arnold

    Hi Anita, I like what you say about encouraging others. That's what I do through my inspirational poetry too. Thank you for accepting my invitation!
  • John E. Smethers, Ph.D.


    perhaps you would be interested in my book, which has been an inspiration to many to step out of the their comfort zones into more fulfilling and abundant lives. John
  • Teresa

    The book sounds GREAT...Get out the news now, sell pre-orders. You have to have them waiting with anticipation for your book. Good Luck..God Bless
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust