Judi Lake

, Female

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I have an advertising agency which caters to self-publishing authors in all aspects of book development and book promotion.

Comment Wall:

  • Judi Lake

    hey katrina -- it really is growing -- i think i was only the 5th or 6th person to join this and now... but it's great -- believe it or not, there actually was something like this about 10 years ago which i belonged to and it was great -- then i took a sabatical once i had my baby, took 5 years off and when i come back to the industry, that network, unfortunately died -- so this is exciting -- i too am interested in what else is going on and its been funny that we sorta have been following each other -- originally my agency was called 'pulseimaging' which i took pride in the creation, branding etc. but all my clients just kept referring to my agency as 'judi lake' and so somehow that stayed and pulseimaging got ditched -- 'do everything but passion is working with authors which i really love -- who knows, karina, maybe one day we can collaborate on a project or two. Gotta go, heavy deadline -- nice to meet you as well!
  • J Deelstra

    Hi Judi, Thanks for the chatter. Yes, Blessings In The Mire was difficult to write as I re-lived the most painful episodes of my life, but it was (as the title suggests) also the biggest blessing of my life. I owned an Angel Store when he died, and I was surrounded by love and evnergy and blessed with all sorts of miraculous events. Those events are some of the most light-filled and gloriously 'coincidental' happenings you can imagine. It was a beautiful time to be learning of true sprituality and true spritual growth. I have a HUGE appreciation for the life events that have blessed me, often after I have sorted thru the mire. I think of a loving mother with a little toddler that has swallowed, say, a penny. The loving mother sorts through the baby's poo to make sure the coin has passed. Metaphorically, I sorted thru a life-time of 'mire' to come out better than ever. Besides, the end (thus far) result is meeting you! That seems all good. ;-)
  • Judi Lake

    Hi Jan -- Being a mom, I can not imagine experiencing what you had yet I do understand growth through tragedy and despondency. When my mom passed away in '98, I was the one who had to give the ok to pull the plug and when she was announced dead, Jan, every bit of life within me was sucked out similiar to a vacuum -- she and i were extremely close and I never experienced sorrow as I had then. The irony was that while my mother was alive, I could never get past a first trimester with my pregnacies but 17 months after my moms passing, I had given birth to a beautiful, healthy little girl and I was so grateful because God took my mom but gave me this little person to take care of which allowed me to truly 'bury' my mom. I will never forget my mother, she stays within my heart, but, I was gifted with my daughter through her passing.
  • Kevin Noa

    Hi Judi:

    I' in now. Thanks.
  • shirley dicks

    Hi Judy, I know I put one of these chatters on your page, or maybe there is another Judy and I thought it was your page....I'm still learning this site.....how do you put photos in these things....I don't see any place to insert a photo....but it says it suppports them
  • Judi Lake

    Hi Shirley!
    I'm still learning this site too but how I've put photos in is on your page in the left column under the 'my profile' bar there is a 'photo' bar and right under that bar is a link that says 'add photos' -- if u need help let me know.
  • WinningTheGameOfBusiness

    Hi Judi,

    Great site! I am finding my way around.
  • Debi DeSantis

    Hi Judi, thanks for the kind words about my book. I am really hoping that this site works and perhaps I will find the recognition that I am looking for. As I am sure everyone on this site has put lots of hard work, sweat and tears into trying to make their website, book, or business a success. They say word of mouth is the best form of advertising. If you do decide to purchase one of the books, let me know what you think, so far I do not have contact with anyone that has bought one, except for family of course. I look forward to more chats.
  • Christina Rowe

    Hi Judi,

    Thanks for the nice comment you left on my page. I left you a comment but didn't know that it would only appear on my own chatter page.
    I am still trying to fiqure out how this site works. it is nice to meet you!
  • Marta Muras

    (is going to delate the post) About copyrights: How can I copyright something I didn't finish? Is it possible to copyright a plain idea, a draft? What about if I never finish those books? Copyrighting it and not finishing: what would that say about me?

    Nobody I know privatelt is an expert. They will never be able to tell me if I'm good or not. I know sharing my ideas with others is stupid, but hearing the other people's opinions is the only thing in the whole world that gives me satisfaction. I feel worhtless and useless. Nobody pays attention to me unless I show them stories or pictures. I only live for reviews on Fanfiction.net. Nobody will ever appreciate me untill I've become JKR of PL.
  • Judi Lake

    Marta, I sent a message to you -- obviously, writing is who you are; what you live for and hope for but keeping that in mind, you are also a young passionate woman with fierce dreams -- I would suggest, especially at your age, to find a local writers group near you or a local college and seek out relationships within these groups and hopefully a one-on-one mentor who can guide you -- surround yourself with like-minded people who will contribute to you honestly -- also, keep a journal with all your writings in it because one day you will utilize it -- search on the internet for publications linked with your writing style and submit short stories to them but don't get upset if you are rejected; just hold on and move forward; rejection is part of the arts but doors never really close -- and, Marta, always ask for help but never trust anyone with your unprotected work until they have earned your trust -- I understand your passion, Marta -- before I went into advertising and pr, I was a fine artist and when I was your age that's all I did because that's who I was -- Has my passion left because I chose a different career path? No, it is always there and I look forward to the time I can once again stretch canvases and mix pallettes -- I just learned how to balance my passions to create balance within my life and its amazing how people then came into my life that never would have previously.
  • Renate

    Hi Jody,
    You sent me a message but I could not get it with the link I got and not through this site. I have posted you a letter this am, but I cannot find it either. I have difficulties to find out where to put in replies or find out who is posting reply to me, and where those replies are. The links in the notification email only stat - you have a message and most of the time, this link does no work. So, please send me an email to the following address - renate555@gmail.com
    Thanks in advance
  • Kevin Noa

    Hey Judi:

    There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today about all the books that are going to re-release on Diana this summer for the tenth anniversary of her death. Beleive me I'm not surprised! Take care.

  • Christina Rowe

    Hi Judy,

    Thank you for the birthday wishes, I just now read your message, over 2 weeks since you sent it. I just read on another chatter here that you are from Long Island. So am I.
    I grew up in the Cold Spring Harbor/Huntington area.
    Where on Long Island are you from?

  • Rick Kirschner

    Hi Judi! Dealing With People book has really done well. My newest, which I've yet to publish, runs circles around it. I'm putting the finishing touches on an audio version FIRST! Then I'll decide whether to shop it around or self publish. Who do you think is the best shop for self publishing? (Highest quality product, best royalty, best response to orders, etc.) There are so many self publishing companies to choose from, it's a little overwhelming. I decided a while back to do at least one book this way in order to learn about it.
  • Rick Kirschner

    Judi, I would like to take you up on that hour conversation. Please email phone contact info to me at rickatTheArtofChange.com. Thanks!
  • Jay Holt

    Hey Judy my children's nutrition website is up and running. Jay
  • Jay Holt

    Its www.tommythetomato.com
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Hello –
    How’s the writing going? Just thought I’d pass along
    some websites you might be interested in.
    http://www.joafulkerson.com where you can read the
    first chapter of FOR LOVE OF TEDDY. This is the
    story of a high school senior who takes a stand against drug
    dealers…and WINS. It’s the first of several I plan to write to
    reach out to at risk kids and teens who might not have
    anywhere else to turn when faced with crises in their lives.
  • Linton Robinson

    Hi Judi

    You seem like you would be interested in this new forum for self-publishers.

    It's new and not heavily trafficked, but I think it as potential. You can promote yourself shamelessly there and I think you could offer some good stuff to people in the forum.
  • Head Spook


  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

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