Landa Daniels


Benton, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I was born in 1952 with a cleft Lip. My parents were only 15 and 18. I had 13 surgeries by the age of 16.
I had my first brain tumor removed in 2006,husband left he could not deal with the situation. Regrowth of tumor in 2007 -surgery,regrowth in 2008 Radiosurgery and another regrowth 2009 told nothing can be done.
That young couple raised a strong little girl and i hope a strong women.
I am 56 years old and my story is far from being over
a few titles are coming to mind if not using them all as short stories. "What God has Whispered in My Ear"/ All Gods Angels and All Gods Men Put Her Together Again"
I am thinking of Memoirs,gift book, spiritual autobiography or spiritual Memoirs or Short Stories. With my health as it is,i am having a dificult time getting the book started in a structured way.I am thinking of a co-Author would be my only source to get the book finished. None of us know how much time we have on this earth. I hope I have enought time to finish this project.
My daughter is my Hero. I want this for her.

Comment Wall:

  • Marlayne Giron

    I would love to have you as a friend! Are you an author too? What do you write?
  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Paradise

    We do get invited to some nice places don't we? rm
  • Sammie Justesen

    Your photos are wonderful and I encourage you to keep writing. If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend "The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity" by Julia Cameron. This book has been around for many years, but it still changes lives. God bless you!
  • Paradise

    After 38 years in the same house in Benton, my sister and her husband are moving to the golf course there. They are members of the Church of Christ.
  • Chris

    Hello Landa ,

    Please know that you are in my prayers, Landa . I was wondering if you had ever heard of the cyber knife, which is a laser being used on brain tumors at the Boston medical Center (go to

    Your book is going to be wonderful I am sure. I would love to know what you think of my book, so please keep in touch.

    God bless,
  • Frank E Robinson Jr

    Thanks for adding me as a friend.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Good morning, Landa;

    John Kremer is located on your right side of the main page. Click on his name and report the abuse. He'll straighten in out for you.

    In the meantime, make sure you haven't accepted him as your friend. If you have go back and reject him.

    You can monitor your emails by going to the right side of your profile page and click on "settings". By checking off that you want to approve comments before added onto your page, will enable you to reject or accept each comment as they come in.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Internet Promotional Manager Professional Support Network for Writers
    *You Write – We Promote* *Conquer All Obstacles*
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Looks like we are going to be running into each other on Saturday. See you at PROMO DAY....:).
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    I will have you in my prayers tomorrow. The Lord will be with you.

    The new group you are referring to is called, Aspiring Authors.

    You could start this group like: "Calling ALL Aspiring Authors"

    Need support?

    Want to share ideas?

    Let's learn this fascinating (and sometimes frustrating) journey together.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Landa;

    My prayers are with you. The Lord is right beside you.

    You're very welcome. I see you've started the group. This is HUGE - Way to go! A person doesn't know if something is going to work unless they do the footwork.

    You many want to advertise your group a little. Send out a bulletin in Facebook that leads them back to your group (include the link) and in Shoutlife, there's a HUGE group of followers and people there who are VERY strong and just waiting for the chance to pray and become involved with your life. Goodreads is another successful social media network that supports people just like you. You may even find a group already started...just what you're looking for. Then you don't have to be the main moderator. You can just join into the discussions and share your voice and concerns. There are plenty of REAL knowledgeable writers in Goodreads that are just waiting to prance so they can help others. Bookmarketing Network - you may not get the followers because most that are here are searching for promotional/marketing help...but you never know unless you try.

    Keep your spirits up and look to the glass 1/2 full.

  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi again;

    I went to the link I was sent in the email and it took me to self-publishers group instead of your group.

    Restate your start-up group, but this time, include this link: so others will find you.
  • Thena Smith

    Hi Landa!
    What fun that we met at PCCrafter! I'm still writing for them as well as .
    I didn't realize that you are from Benton. Do you know my publisher? She is in Mayfield.

    I will be on Diva Craft Lounge on Blog Talk Radio May 27 at 12:10 Pacific to say a few words about my two classroom books. Hope you will tune in.

    Be sure to check with Bluegrass Publishing to see if they are interested in your book.

  • Thena Smith

    Hi Landa,
    My family is from Lowes, Ky (near Mayfield) and my brother lives there. We lived in Paducah a number of years too. I went to school at Paducah Tilghman.
    Be sure to check out .
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Landa;

    You can send out invitations in a variety of methods. The best way to hit a lot of lurkers is to go to your 'bulletins' in the friend section, and send the message that way. Some social media networks like Facebook and Goodreads have 'events'.
  • Chris

    Hi Landa,

    I hope you got to enjoy the long weekend.

  • Chris

    Hello Landa,

    I just realized that you mentioned that you wanted to read my book. I would be more than happy to send you an autographed copy for $12 and I won't charge anything for shipping. No pressure, I just wanted to make you the offer. I hope that you are feeling well and know that you are in my prayers.

    If you are interested just let me know and we can exchange mailing addresses.
    This is my newly designed Book promotional banner I hope that it's not too much to ask, but I I would love it, truly appreciate it and forever be indebted to you___ OK, for a little while anyway, lol, if you would place my banner on your page, blog or web site.
    You can also find it online here is the link:

    ********HTML CODE BELOW************

    Thank you and be well,Blessings,