


United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
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I grew up in Massachusetts and went to college in Vermont, where ...

It was not my intention to be a writer with degrees in ecology, chemistry and human resources, but in 1995, after having relapsing remitting MS for 15 years I was disabled by secondary progresses MS. Between the disease and my divorce in 2002 my life was a mess and seemed to have only one direction, down! But, God had bigger plans. I'm in the process of writing my second self-help MS book entitled A Christian Perspective and I frequently write articles for various magazines, online magazines and web sites like and and just recently I had a two page article published in the 2008 summer issue of MS focus magazine. I look forward to meeting and making new friends here.

Comment Wall:

  • Stacey T Pollock

    Yes I have a couple of friends dealing with MS. I see them so tired and exhausted all the time. When I see how much you are achieving with writing and how you seem in your photo's it is encouragement for others dealing with the same issues. Also with my friends they push through alot to still achieve so much in their lives, and find real value in all that they do.

    I know that some people have overcome MS to some degree. Best of luck for the future with all that you do and your writing.
  • Lily Finch

    Hello Chris. Thank you for your letter. My entire purpose is to assist people in triumphing over tragedy and seeing the perfection of the events of their lives in assisting them in re-remembering who they truly are. I would love to read your book and put a link on my site. I will send you my book to read so you will know if it is something you can endorse on your site. Please send me your mailing address and if you would be so kind as to email me a bit of your book, I'm sure it will be perfect to link to my site.

  • Deborah Weed

    Hi Chris,

    I have a mission similar to yours! Even though I am an author of The Luckiest Penny for children, it is my dad's wisdom that drives me. . .

    I do not have MS, but the doctors thought I did for a long time. For four years I was bedridden and felt stuck. (My dad was able to help me get unstuck.) I have started a Ning social network to help people get unstuck. I want people who are experiencing inertia, whether from illness, disappointment, abandonment, etc., to have wonderful guides to help them through. I am beginning to interview people now and you might be someone that I would like to highlight.

    If you are interested in conversing, you can either join my Ning site @ , or . .
  • Pastor Sharon Billington

    Hi Chris,
    Sorry I missed your program. May God use you to encourage others that things don't have to stay painful.

    Pastor Sharon Billington
  • Stephen Rosenzweig

    Hi Chris,
    I see you attract many caring, proactive people to you. I have followied your page for a while now.
    I to have been coping with chronic disease. 17 years ago I was diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis of the liver. After my esophogial varices hemoraged 5 times in a 4 month period tje doctors removed my spleen, appendix, and gall bladder and put in a splenal-renal shunt. About 5 times a year I end up in the ER with hepatic encephalopothy. I have had to retire early from teaching HS science and am on disability.
    My book The Journey should be released In Oct. Anyone with an open adventurous mind who is interested in mental, and spiritual growth will find this book interesting and enjoyable.
    Check out my website for info on me and the book,