JoAnn "Joie" Melton

75, Female

St. Louis, MO

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
in development

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Paradise

    I lived around the St Louis area for many years and worked at McDonnell Aircraft before it became Douglas and then Boeing. Until a few years back my family still lived a few miles west of St Louis. The greatest cabinet maker in the world still lives in High Ridge Mo.

    Nice to meet you, Dr McGinnis

    PS, tell my a little about your developing book.
  • Paradise

    One of my childhood friends Marilyn Smith lives in Hazelwood. Her family is from St Clair Mo.
  • Paradise

    I received a call from my high school chum now living in High Ridge Mo and he told me that he went turkey hunting. I never do things like that because some of my best friends are turkeys. We have a wild one that drops by every so often to torment my geese. As a youngster, I had an old tom turkey for a pet and dog, man or mom couldn't get to me when the big old tom was around. But, as I recall, living in St Clair Mo, we didn't have turkeys in those days. My how things have changed.

    His call reminded my of my friends from Mo that I have been slighting and so I thought I would drop a line.
