Lisa Copen


San Diego

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I am the founder of Rest Ministries, a Christian organization that provides encouragement programs, resources and publications to improve their quality of life, including National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week.

Through marketing on the internet since 1997, I have reached millions and sold many self-published books. People kept coming to me to ask what I did and how I did it, so I've put together some of my best tips in my first ebook at . I've also had the opportunity to help people come up with marketing ideas for their book proposals at writers conferences and CLASS and have spoken on book marketing.

Some of my web sites include:

Follow me on twitter:
@lisajcopen - personal and illness ministry
@invisibleillwk - Invisible Illness Week
@scrapbkadoption -
@youcansellbook - book marketing and promotion

Comment Wall:

  • Jennifer

    Hi Lisa. Jennifer's husband Phil here. Experimenting with this nifty networking thing Ning. Hope to see you at ICRS. Blessings to you and you good work at rest ministries.
  • His Work Christian Publishing

    I didn't realize you were on this network. I just learned of it last week and am looking forward to making friends in the industry. It was an honor to publish your excellent article!
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    I'm so glad you enjoyed THE FRUGAL BOOK PROMOTER. It is an accumulation of very practical informtion as yours will be. I believe that is what generally people find most helpful--you know, rather than generalities. Good luck with your new book. When it's done, maybe we could cross-promote! (-:
  • Laura Beth

    Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for letting us know about this site. I look forward to meeting others who share a passion for writing!!
  • Nancy Cleary

    Lisa, hello! I just watched your video and realized we had communicated over a year ago about my box-is. I would love to reconnect and find out if you ever made your "hope kits". It was neat to find you in this network!
  • Carolyn Howard-Johnson

    Lisa, you said: working on a series of ebooks on book marketing myself, gathering all the information I've used over the years, especially as a nonprofit director/magazine editor. Blessings and success to you!

    Don't you just love how the stuff we do in our former lives isn't lost but gathers itself in a body of knowledge to help us with our publishing!?

    Carolyn Howard-Johnson
  • Lisa Copen

    Carolyn, yes! I do love it. I know I hardly "know it all." And yet, I've learned a lot of shortcuts, or ways to apply ideas to book marketing, and hopefully I can save someone else a few steps. I see some great writers too who are chronically ill. The traditional publishing route may not work the best for them, plus they cannot travel easily for promotional reasons, but connecting with the write marketing angles online and with people can still help one sell a lot of books.

    I've definately been blessed to see God create many "full-circle" situations in my life. My goal 15 years ago was to work FOR a nonprofit, maybe do some marketing and somehow work writing into it. Years later, I HAVE my own nonprofit (which feeds my controlling personality- ha) and publish our books under our own publishing company... and my own magazine... it's amazing.

    Funny story - at ICRS last week one woman said the cover of Mosaic Moments was BEAUTIFUL! I didn't tell her I have done my own covers-- I actually smashed up the plate, took the photo and tinted it, and then created the cover. I know they could be improved upon and that will be a priority soon, but for now, winging it still seems to be working for me!

    In case you're interested- Mosaic Moments cover:
  • david b mclaughlin

    Please help me name my book (if you have not already)!

    Vote here:

    Thanks in advance,
    David B. McLaughlin
  • Marion James

    Hello Lisa, sounds like a great ministry. If you would ever like to come to Istanbul we could arrange for you to speak at a few places. Contact me if you are interested!
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hello Lisa, I am so happy to find a Xn group of writers to join and share and exchange information . I have written a couple of books for my ministry that have helped people dealing with inner hurts or pain, grief and loss. I look forward to getting to know all my new friends. Your note on July 20th is so great--doesn't our God work in creative ways?
  • Feon Davis

    What a blessing to help others with a heart full of love of our Saviour you have.
  • Linore Rose Burkard

    Hey, Lisa,
    How wonderful to find this group here on the Network. Great idea to start it! I love meeting Christian authors and hope we can work together, brainstorm, do joint ventures, and yes, pray for each other. I have a heart for the deep needs of women, which I try to address in my fiction.
    God Bless all your endeavors,
    Adding Romance to the World....One book at a time
    Faith-Based Fiction for Today's Savvy Woman
  • Charlotte McPherson

    Hi Lisa, Would this include Lupus? It is terrible. My mom had it and when it went internal, she died a month later --suffering pain and had no real effective treatment.
    It is a spooky illness. Trust NICI gets funding it needs and effective support and promotion.

    Hello Lisa:
    I read your profile and I truly appreciate your dedication to ministry. I am a Deacon and minister whose outreach is to today's lost youth.
    I am encouraged by your faith and commitment.
    God bless you.
  • Carolyn Brackin Orr

    Hello Lisa,
    Is it too late to submit an article for your Chicken Soup for the soul? I just discovered your site and am very interested in chronic illness. Does this include bipolar?
  • D Tyler Brown

    Hi Lisa
    How are you? I am very familiar with your ministry and HopeKeepers. I am a member of a Hopekeepers group at my church. My personal ministry is Inspirations of Hope Global Ministries. We are "Reaching the World With a Message of Hope With Radio, Books and Gospel Spoken Word." Please take a minute and join my network located at We are currently "Building the Wall of Hope" with favorite scriptures on hope from any version of the bible that you choose. Praise the Lord for your work. I found you on "" several years ago when it was indicted that I had a chronic illness...chronic fatigue. It is 15 years later and the Lord has truly blessed me. I have also published a book titled Inspirations of Hope Unlimited, a devotional with poetry. People have told me how it has been a blessing. I look forward to connecting with you and the fellowship. Evangelist D Tyler Brown, Executive Director, Inspirations of Hope Global Ministries Network. Writer, publisher, editor, gospel spoken word artist, radio talk show host (Fresh Hope Talk Show on Mondays at 10am Central Time. I would love to have you as a guest on my talk show. We are discussion the 12 Steps to Spiritual Enrichment. Talk to you soon.
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Lisa;

    I scrawled through your posts on your site. Really enjoyed reading your information. Wondering if you'd be interested in linking yours with mine? "Conquer All Obstacles" calls for writers. I basically share my wealth of knowledge with fellow writers. Your information would add to mine as mine with yours. I have near 5,000 hits. Interested? Contact me at

    God bless.

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Internet Promotional Manager/ Professional Support Network for Writers
    “You Write – We Promote” “Conquer All Obstacles”
  • Bert Martinez

    Hello, I'm Bert Martinez, I'm looking to network with success minded authors. If you would like my free report 30 Strategies for Selling More Books just fill out the form below. I look forward to networking with you and if there is anything that I can help you with please do not hesitate to contact me.

    You Were Created to Succeed!

    Bert Martinez

    For Email Marketing you can trust
  • Jo-Anne Vandermeulen

    Hi Lisa;
    Have you checked out my blog: "Conquer All Obstacles" at There, on my right hand side, I have a list of resources that I advertise and recommend. I would like to exchange links. I list you and link your site on my blog and you do the same with yours.

    My goal is to help writers. More specifically, I channel the topics toward promotion and marketing.

    Would you care to exchange links?

    Jo-Anne Vandermeulen
    Professional Support Network for Writers
  • PaulSerg

    Hello re you?

    I'm new here. I got surprise to see so many christians authors...that's amazing. 23 years ago I worked for the FGBMFI (adhonep in portuguese). It was wonderful work in that blessed ministery.

    Actually I have my own studio and now looking for new jobs...books to illustrate for example. I draw several styles of artwork mixing traditional methods and skills computers. I hope you like about my artworks.

    I'm interested in offer my services of illustrations for authors.

    Please, take a look on my website (still under construction)


    Paulo Sergio
    IIlustrator and Cartoonist

    PS Studium
  • Joseph M. Perez

    Hello, Lisa. I started a group called San Diego, California Writers. I was hoping you might join. You are invited and welcome. Maybe one day if there are enough people in the group we can put together a book fair of some sort.