J. Steve Miller


Acworth, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My wife and I wrote Sell More Books! Book Marketing and Publishing for Low Profile and Debut Authors. I had no platform at all when I wrote my first book, yet a respected traditional publisher published it and it has since been translated into several languages and still sells regularly 18 years later. Since then, we've self-published several books which also sell well. We take our own experience and add it to the experiences of other successful low-profile authors to help authors choose which methods might be the most successful with their books.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    I just reposted your great story about your self-published novelist friend on my blog at http://blog.bookmarket.com. Much appreciate the story.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Ann B. Keller

    Welcome, Steve! Glad to have you with us.

    Ann B. Keller
    Author of Crenellations and BRIGGEN
  • Independent Book Reviews


    Congratulations on your book.

    If you need book reviews, a book trailer, or book promotion we can help. We can review your book. We can distribute press releases. We can also promote books via social networking. Market your book on Twitter, Facebook, Plurk, MySpace, LinkedIn, Tumblr, FriendFeed, Jaiku, LiveJournal, Bebo, Plaxo, Plurk, Friendster, Delicious, Diigo, Flickr, Vox, and more. We create custom profiles and more.

    Check us out at http://www.IndependentBookReviews.com
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    I have done more surfing on the subject. Found some that were interesting, and some that were ridiculous. The driving forse behind my thinking, (if there is any) is that I would love to have my work reviewed by someone, anyone. Be it good or bad, an opinion. In the area here, I have recieved wonderful reviews, but (a big but) is that I know most of these people. What are they going to say?? Of course, I don't ask them, they do volunteer the information. I seem to bounce back & forth with "well it doesn't really matter" and then "I want to know my work is good enough to continue", and finally "I believe in what I do". I highly doubt this behavior is normal. Life is a fun and challenging effort.
  • Carolyn Sue Morris

    You have given me a great idea. We have Huntington University here, my niece works in the mailroom there. I could try to contact a professor there that may take the time to read one of my books. It's definately a start, the don't know me. And I really do want the truth.
    Isn't that something about your manuscript? All those years later. They say everything happens for a reason, maybe it just wasn't the right time when you first sent it to them.
    Thank you for the help, I will try my best.
  • Marta Stephens

    Hi Steve,

    I've had two tours, one for each book. The first I conducted myself. The second tour I used Dorothy Thompson's Pump Up Your Books tour company for a month long tour.

    It's a lot of work (I typed 27 pieces for it that included short stories, articles on specific topics, and answered interview questions.) But, she also arranged for several book reviews that were posted on high traffic blogs. Both tours exposed my writing to a host of new readers I wouldn't have been able to reach on my own and my sales did reflect a nice increase. By the way, Thompson uses my collective author's blog, MURDER BY 4 as one of her clients' stops. Keep in touch and let me know how it goes.
  • Marta Stephens

    There are definite advantages to going with a PR firm (i.e., hitting hi-traffic blogs and getting the reviews), but if you have a strong network and are not afraid to get out there and ask for guest spots, it's absolutely doable.
  • John Cmint

    Hi Steve,

    Congratulations on your book, "Enjoy Your Money! How to Make It, Save It, Invest It and Give It." Love the title :) I just wanted to mention to you a website I built called AlreadyPublished.com. It's for authors to promote their book. You do so by posting your book's first chapter, giving readers a peek into your book. The site is free and the list of books is growing, so please check it out. :) BTW, good luck with your book!

    p.s. You can also check out this blog post on the Already Published Ning Network, I explain how to post your book. You can also learn more about the website there.

  • Carline Férailleur-Dumoulin

    Hi Steve. My apologies for the late reply. I've been sick with the flu. Not fun at all! Thanks for the information on the GA Writers Association. I will look into it. I plan on writing additional books in the near future and wanted to explore all avenues with regard to publishing. What has your experience been like with your own publishing company? In terms of obstacles and benefits, what can you tell me about that. How easy or how hard is it to create your own publishing company and have you found it challenging to market your books to bookstores? I welcome any feedback and/or advice you might have to that respect. This is obviously all new to me. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Carline
  • Carline Férailleur-Dumoulin

    Thanks Steve. I have so many more questions. As you mentioned, it would be a great idea to move this discussion in one of the forums. Let me know if we have to start a whole new forum or if we'll take it up on one of the existing ones. Sincerely, Carline
  • Jean Purcell

    Steve, I tried to accept and send message by B'berry last night. Maybe this is more effective. I can email but I do not keep passwords in B'berry. Thanks! Jean
  • Jean Purcell

    Steve, I hope more people will share what approaches result in lots of books being sold. I am looking at what brings sales results, part of intensive bookmarketing study on my own. I commend what you are doing.
  • Gary Eby

    I met you on "What's Working for You" discussion. Hope we can be friends....Gary.
  • Gary Eby

    I appreciate your friendship. May you let your Light shine! Gary Eby, author of The Eby Way.

  • Jean Purcell

    Steve, did I answer this? My email is info@opinebooks.com. ~Jean
  • Paradise

    Thanks for the handshake. Dr M
  • Paradise

    OH, how much Ford stock did you buy at $1.56? I am really enjoying the ride in Ford. rm
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at <a href="http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com">http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com</a>
  • casey zeman

    Hi Steve, Really Great stuff, Thanks so much.
  • Traci S Campbell

    Hello this is Traci. I wanted to stop by your page to welcome you to the network and ask you to please join me on my Facebook group at The C.H.A.M.P Within This group is about single parents and children who have grown up in a single parent home and for the ones who want to show their support.

    You can also follow me on twitter at:


    Your friend,

    Traci S Campbell

  • Darlene Campbell



    Thank you so much. I would be very grateful to you for your help and would absolutely love to read a digital version of your book. My dad is in the final stages of lung cancer right now and I know from first hand experience how this disease affects families and lives, so my heart goes out to your loss. Thank you a million times for your help.


    Oh, my email address is wandara@windstream.net I look forward to hearing from you!



  • T.F. Hodge

    Thanks Steve. Good to know the location of another mechanic!


    T.F. Hodge 

    Author of From Within I Rise

    Currently available online at:

    amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com



  • Carole Crosby

    Thankyou SO much Steve for the extremely appreciated and timely "gift". I'll send you a mail now. Of course, I'll write a review. Have you listed on Dan Poynter's newsletter review section for this book?


    I would be very interested to get a bit of feedback from your wife about how SHE is approaching the book she is doing on her friend. It would be fantastic to "network", as I'm sure I need ALL the help I can get Steve.  Thankyou again for your very kind offer of your e-book. I SO appreciate it.  Carole

  • Alexander Devereux

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Live More, Laugh Much, Love Often!!!

    "I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition."

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
  • Carole Crosby

    Please could I have your email address again please: my desktop died a very untimely death and ALL my email stuff is gone including your and Cherie's critique on my chaps 1 and 2. I need these desperately as I need to do the 2nd draft now. Please send them through again Steve, as well as your book PDF. Which I miss desperately. All the best from outta Africa
  • Joan H. Young

    Hi Steve- just checking out your profile, since you were the first to welcome me.
  • Author Aleja Bennett

    Nice to meet you here in the world of book marketing. I'm Aleja Bennett Author of nine paper backs and six kindles. Here is my fan page, stay in touch when you can. I know we both may have a hectic schedule at times but I will always follow back. Here is my fan page here hope you like it.http://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Aleja-Bennett/174745539242473 Enjoy the book video
  • Fernando Sobenes

    Hello J. Steve. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

    Also you can watch the book trailer.

    Best regards,


  • Alan Ward Thomas

    I Steve,

    I looked more into the color for eBooks thing.  Butterflies & Hurricanes in Prague is approaching it two ways for Bare Knuckles Press.  They are doing designs in color that still look good in black and white for standard eReaders, that way they don't have to do two versions of the file.  Then for any designs that are a bit more adventurous they do a color version, then a simplified version for the black and white readers, which requires making two files. 

    I must say that the color does add something.  There is a crime/noir book we just published called "The Bitch" up on Amazon, and in the free download you can see the creative chapter headings Butterflies & Hurricanes are making in an attempt to make eBooks more artistic entities, and just a side line.