MJ Allaire


Southeastern, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
I'm a YA (young adult) Fantasy Author and currently have 4 books in my series (the Denicalis Dragon Chronicles) published and am working on Book 5. I'm always looking for ways to market my books and love sharing ideas & marketing strategies with other authors! I go to schools and talk to young adults, promoting reading, writing, editing AND publishing! If you are a teacher, librarian, or home schooling parent and would like me to come talk to a group of children, please contact me! You can find me on facebook under MJ Allaire, or visit any of my websites:


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  • Tim Rouse

    Did you read some of my "stuff" years ago and then more recently on Authors Den?
  • Kate L

    I just wanted to introduce myself and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People, check it out at <a href="http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com">http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com</a>
  • Fernando Sobenes

    Hello MJ. My name is Fernando Sobenes and I want to invite you to read the prologue and the first two chapters of my novel: "The Evil Visitor" in my blog The Evil Visitor

    Also you can watch the book trailer.

    Best regards,
