Carol J. Amato


Corona, California

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I have published 19 books and around 175 articles. Currently, I am working on a middle-grade paranormal mystery/adventure series called The Phantom Hunters. Each book in the series takes the main characters and the readers to a different culture. The first book, The Lost Treasure of the Golden Sun, came out in late 1995, and is set on the Navajo Nation. The second book, The Secret of Blackhurst Manor, will be coming out next spring, and is set in Lincoln, England. Each book is accompanied by a teacher's guide/activity book that includes word games, puzzles, research projects across the curriculum.

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  • Jo Fulkerson

    I don't actually know how they were developed. I've read some about them but have never come across that info. I've never heard of Chincoteagues.
  • Jo Fulkerson

    Please send me your postal address so I can send a copy of the book to you. Thanks.
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