Kristin Callender


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I am the mother of four children, a substitute teacher, and a new author. My first book, The Truth Lies in the Dark is a mystery/suspense about a woman who finds out her whole life has been a lie. She is driven to find out who she really is, but quickly finds that someone is as equally driven to make sure that the truth the dark. This book is very special to me, not only is it my first but the original painting used for the cover was done by my teenage son. As most parents know, our childrens' artwork doesn't usually make it off of the refrigerator or it is tucked away in a keepsake box. I am lucky enough to be able to show off my son's art every time I sell a book. The Truth Lies in the Dark by Kristin Callender is available on and on

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  • Cathy Hamernik

    Hi! Thanks for contacting me. I have been teaching elementary school for 13 years and LOVE IT! My daughters and I spend the summers together exploring with art and having a blast creating! When we made our book WHAT DO YOU SEE? The girls (ages 5, 8 and 11) were so excited they wanted to work on more children's books together. It has been fun, but very difficult getting the word out about our book. Being the teacher that I am, I absolutely love abstract art and using it to get children to open up and discuss their ideas! Sorry for babbling on. I hope to hear from you.
  • Gladys Hobson

    Hi Kristin
    Your book looks quite interesting. I used a painting my middle son did when he was nine for the cover of a child study. Lovely when we can bring our family into our own interests.
    The surgery went well. Of course, it will not stop progressive disease - ageing and all that where certain eye conditions are concerned.
    I have rather neglected ning lately. So much to do and my different web sites to keep up. Started tow more too. One of them is Ask Gran Hobson. - Inspired by a young man in India who wanted answers to questions.
    Thanks for getting in touch.
  • Mary Lynn Archibald

    Please keep me posted. I hope it happens the way you want it to.