Barbara Johnson-Achu



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My first novel ‘Fixing John a Drink’ was finally completed in January of 2006, but being self-critical I re-worked the manuscript and finally completed the novel in March 2008.

Wanting to explore other avenues of myself, I began working on my first erotica story ‘Two-Play’. My second novel, an erotic story was written in 2006 under the pen name of Deborah Jaqson and was published by Carnal Desires Publishing in March 2008.

As a child I had always known that I had creative abilities. I began writing from a very early age (around 12 years of age) and found I had a passion for putting pen to paper. I grew up with two brothers who were extremely talented Artists. As I was not gifted in that way, I discovered the art of writing.
I have written scripts for plays, poems and horror stories, as a young woman.

I am an Image Consultant living with my husband and children. I am currently a work in progress, attempting to complete several novels including an erotica romance novel.

Comment Wall:

  • John Kremer

    Welcome to the Book Marketing Network. Join in some discussions, post a blog or video, schedule an event, make some friends. I think you'll enjoy it here.

    John Kremer, book marketing expert

  • Barbara Johnson-Achu

    Thank you John. I have taken your advice, but i'm a lamb lost among the big sheep!
  • Sunny Frazier

    I believe erotica sells better with electronic publishing, or at least that's what I'm told. Have you thought about uploading it to Kindle? The instructions are pretty easy.