Joseph Langen


Leroy, NY

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
I am a retired psychologist currently writing full time. I have published Commonsense Wisdom for Everyday Life, a collection of reflections on common situations in which we find ourselves, Young Man of the Cloth, a memoir documenting my nine years in the seminary and monastery, The Pastor's Inferno, a novel about the quest for redemption of an abusive priest and Navigating Life: Commonsense Reflections for the Voyage, considerations of managing significant events in our lives.

I have recently published a book of reflections on how to frame our lives with a spiritual focus. Explore ways to make sense of your life and your interactions with others. Navigating Life: Commonsense Reflections for the Voyage is currently available from at

I am preparing for publication Marital Property, a novel about a family coming to terms with marriage difficulties. My next project will be a book of reflections for teens, Commonsense Wisdom for Teens.

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  • carol stanley

    How are you doing with the marketing stuff? ANy new ideas etc? It is a major effort!!!! Carol
  • Joseph Langen

    Hi Carol,
    You're right about marketing being a major effort. Fortunately it is one I am finally excited about. I found some great infomation which Phil Davis posted on his website, I now feel like I am coming together with a an organized and comprehensive marketing plan after floundering for some time wondering what to make of the whole thing. He helped me develop goals, specify my target audience, develop a strategy and tactics in just a few days. I have decided to focus first on blogging and MySpace. I have been blogging for a while at in the form of a dialogue with my muse. MySpace has baffled me every time I have tried to approach it. I read about the benefits of social networking, but could not make much sense of MySpace and how to use it effectively. Yesterday I found a book by Dennis Prince called How to Make Money with MySpace. This is a very well organized book which got me on track and has left me feeling that MySpace will be a valuable resource for me. I hope I'm not rambling. But as you might be able to see, I am excited about where things are headed.
    Best regards,
  • Bert Martinez

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