Azaan Kamau


Sherman Oaks, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Azaan is a proud masculine identified lesbian of African & Choctaw Indian decent. Azaan is an award winning nationally syndicated journalist, poet, self-publisher, author and photographer. Azaan’s ultimate passion is to use writing and photography to uplift People of all races, cultures and creeds.

Azaan uses her images and writing as tools to educate, empower, and uplift all people. Azaan believes that photography is a universal language that every culture can embrace. Azaan also feels it is her duty to bring attention to issues that oppress us...racism, classism, homophobia, sexism, social, political and economic issues. I believe as a country of descendants from many nations, we must have reverence for ourselves and the desire to create positive change for our future generations. Azaan believes these are the keys to salvation as human beings. Only then can we truly rise above our collective oppression.

Azaan’s writing and images have been published in magazines, newspapers, and
advertisements, used in film sequences, book covers, and much, much
more! My images have also been included in several Underground
Exhibitions at the prestigious Getty Museum.

Azaan has a long editorial background that has given her much distinction in the literary community. Azaan is the former editor of Stanley Bennett Clay Magazine and Gay Black Female Magazine. Azaan is also the former Creative Director of Stud Magazine! Azaan has also written for numerous publications in the LGBT community since the early 90’s.

Please pick up Azaan’s second self-published book, In The Midst Of My
Blackness and its coveted BONUS DVD created by GBF Media! The book is an auto- biographical poetic memoir about my life growing up as a lesbian in African America!
To purchase a signed copy of the book and its BONUS DVD, please Visit or contact me directly at
Available at your local bookstore or NATIONWIDE! You can also visit at

Azaan’s company Glover Lane Publishing currently has several successful published works under it’s belt. Azaan’s upcoming projects include: The Memoirs of Madlyn F. Glover; The Love and Romance with Ray Charles Robinson, Samba Nation, Azaan; Passion Behind the Lens, The STUD Diaries, STUD; Rhyme & Rhythm, and last but not least the fragrance; AZAAN KAMAU!!!!

25% of all book proceeds will be donated to World Vision, Heifer
International, RED, and Habitat For Humanity! Buy the book, save a life and be a
part of positive global change

Comment Wall:

  • Samie Foster

    Hey your page is pretty cool and seem like a pretty cool person, wanna be friends