Dr Bernie Unrau DDS

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
Dentist,(ADA-USA # 122693972,post grad certified, 10,000 procedures in 10 yrs clinical work- Impladent Inc. case studies etc) pilot (have flown fixed wing and rotor) , inventor, writer (usually summers see www.caltexpress.com ) studied med/dent, aviation and have many other interests, 9 US NBDE exams, 4 US curricula, 4 US patents (Gumtex - www.members.shaw.ca/bwm/impladent) which went to 40 countries to train 4000+ dentists,etc hence nickname 'Dr Gum' central character in all my chilling death defying adventures.
Harrowing sci fi adventures, science gone awry, nuclear threats, bioterrorism, global pandemics, high tech, space, secret codes, archaeological discoveries, future energy... Usually worst case scenario or deadly diabolical plot other than a few comical semi animated thrillers. Am expanding my horizons! Interests travel, tennis, sailing, flying, reading and thinking. Still single.

Comment Wall:

  • Linda A Lavid

    Do you only work on plastic heads? Cute pic.
    Break a leg.
  • Dr Bernie Unrau DDS

    Thanks. No, patients for 10 months/yr for 10 years thus far. Then take about 6 weeks to write another shocker each summer. Learned from a 4 min video by Robin Cook , how he writes each summer and still practices the rest of the year. I said by God, I can do that! In dental school yes we began on 'dexter' for first two years, then moved on to live patients. Via my dental 'Gumtex' surgical patents, the latest, the 'Dentinator', because it fits into the 'articulator', the hinged jaw, hence the name, inspired the book that summer.
    The models were used to train other doctors, dentists, profs, students in the art and science of surgery, restorative dentistry etc. Eventually used in 40+ countries. The material can be cut, sutured, drilled filled. In fact it's a derivative of a material used in the film industry for special effects, 'skinflex', remember the movie Pearl Harbor for example, same material.
    Dave Hanson's 'flubber' remember the movie? similar material from same labs in California I believe. Continued success. Hope to see a few books as film adaptations in time!
  • Petyamarina

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