Vanessa Richardson


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Vanessa Richardson is an author, poet, and playwright. Vanessa has written several stage productions and have been blessed to perfrom them at various venues.

Her stage productions includes. Mama Rainey, Someone To Love Me, Why Do Bad Things Happens To Good People? Lord, I Don't Understand, and The Fullness Of Time.

Once upon a time, she considered herself a closet writer, as she was painfully shy of sharing her written works with the public. An unforeseen bout of illness in 1999 would cause a change in Vanessa's life. "One day I woke up" would become her mantra for years. Vanessa wants her readers, to be aspired toward greatness, in spite of what circumstances, may dictate to them. "With God all things are made possible to them who believe" With faith we can leap over boundaries. We can break barriers and defeat the labels of rejection.

Vanessa realized that she had not just a story to tell but many stories. Relying on God; she wrote her first inspirational novel The Certain Ones. A spiritual impacting novel that inspires her readers to know that not everyone are called into greatness. Fact: Many can not handle the process that goes along with becoming great. Only the certain ones that endure can obtain greatness. Vanessa is currently working on her Fiction novel titled Love Found Me.

"When a man's ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." (Proverbs 16:7)

About the Book

Why do certain ones suffer more than other people do? That is the question she wanted answered. The path of life is not just a journey but also an assigned one she discovered as she witness the journey of the lives of others.

No longer a peripheral bystander she will embark on her own private journey. On this journey, she deals with personal issues that have been handicapping her life. On her path, she encounters hurt and rejection. Hurt can cause a person to do things that they normally would not do. On the heel of self-discovery, she finds that she is not alone and that she was a certain one. Chosen for purpose.

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  • Michelle James

    Hi Vanessa!
    I happened to be browsing and noticed a familiar face... yours!
    How are you? I recently signed up via a friends' referral. Looks like a great networking site.
    Well, I hope all's well with you.
    Do have a blessed & productive week! Take care...
  • Michelle Larks

    Hi Vanessa,

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a beautiful, blessed week...

  • Karen Kennedy

    I would like to introduce myself. My name is Karen Pfeifer CEO of Black Essence Awards
    It is my pleasure to let you know that you have been nominated by your peers to receive a Black Essence Award. Our vision is to recognize people and what he or she is doing in their community or throughout the world for that matter.

    In order to confirm your intrest please go to:
    Sign up there
    You will meet other nominees there.
    The founder/president will contact you there.

    For more information email me
    or call 1-269-363-0941
    The event is October 9, 2010, in South Bend, Ind