Michelle James


City of Hope, State of Grace

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Now, this is the part I'm really curious about! Who am I really? I mean, when it comes down to it, even my family and friends still scratch their heads and just haven't a clue. And me? Well, I don't even wonder! All I really know is that I'm a unique and forever changing, undefined and exceptional, specially-created individual who only God knows (and I mean He really does know) who I am! So... let's ask Him, shall we, to see what masterpiece He has to unveil?

I'm an earthy Caribbean native who's quite independent, self-confident, practical, organized and highly ambitious. I possess an off-beat, dry but wacky sense of humor and love to laugh at the silly and ridiculous. I can be patient yet tenacious and persevering. I am a loyal friend, caring, dependable and supportive. I am quite the romantic, a giver by nature and come equipped with a sensitive, considerate and very compassionate heart. I still cling to a good old-fashioned, traditional lifestyle- that is perhaps from my own islandic upbringing and being rooted and grounded in a godly, moralistic and highly principled belief system.

I entertain myself by reading, painting in oils, crafting, watching movies or dining. Outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, gardening and fishing, stimulate and energize me; so although I can dress in formal attire, I find that I'm more comfy in jeans and a tee-- stems from my tomboyish childhood, I suppose. Not one for the melodramatic, I prefer instead a simple and uncomplicated lifestyle. Although I can be very outgoing and adventurous, an evening at home spent cuddling and conversing with my special partner, while listening to smooth jazz or swing band music in a dimly lit ambience, is my idea of comfort.

From the days of my early childhood, I was always an avid reader. I would read mostly romance and mystery novels which piqued and held my interest. The adventure later began in my college years when my thirst for knowledge was unquenchable. I would thumb through endless pages of various magazines and publications: science, business, home and garden and religion... just to name a few. It was then that I realized that I had a knack for writing, particularly poetry.

Now, instead of keeping all my thoughts on paper to myself, I feel the need to share them with the world. One never knows whether or not this seed of mine that is being sown, will fall on the soil of another person's heart, to burst forth roots of encouragement, produce fruit of inspiration, or bloom flowers of blessing.

The foundational basis of the majority of the poems I write stem from my Christian faith. Themes covered include: Christianity, love and romance, world conditions, holidays and special events.

I recently penned my first manuscript, "A Black Sheep in the Fold", which is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and PublishAmerica. I thought I would whet the appetites of those who may be curious to purchase a copy with a chapter from its pages.

I hope to continue to shine this little light of mine, that God in His grace has given to me, in a dark and dying world. Whatever the impact, I pray that, as He has been a blessing to me, I will pass the baton throughout this Life Race and be a blessing to others as well.

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  • Vanessa Richardson

    Hi Michelle!

    Wanted to keep in touch with you. How are you???

  • Bert Martinez

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  • Vanessa Richardson

    Hi Michelle!

    It has been awhile. Wanted to check in with you. Is it well with you?
