Victoria Simcox


Marysville, WA

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Victoria Simcox, but I go by Vicki. I was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, to an Austrian immigrant mother, and a Dutch immigrant father. I have one older sister. When I was 7, I moved with my family to British Columbia—then in my early twenties to Western Washington, where I now reside in Marysville WA. I have been married for almost 20 years and have 3 children. For the past 10 years, I have home schooled my children, and I also teach elementary school art. My other family members are, a Chihuahua, named Pipsy, 2 cats, named Frodo and Fritz, and 1 parakeet, named Pauly. I did have a pet rat named Raymond; when I started writing The Magic Warble, but sad to say, he has since passed away of old age. I enjoys writing, reading, painting watercolors, good movies and just hanging out with friends and family. My favorite author is C.S. Lewis, and one of my fondest memories is when I was 12. I would sit at the kitchen table and read the Chronicles of Narnia to my mother while she cooked dinner. These magical stories were very dear to me, and I remember wishing, If only I could go to Narnia like Lucy and Susan. I hope that maybe I can touch someone with my story in a similar way.

Facebook: Victoria Simcox
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My book, The Magic Warble, is a fantasy story, listed as Juvenile fiction, but I feel it is for all ages. I'd say Juvenile and Young adult fiction are still my favorite categories to read.
Growing up reading CS Lewis's beloved Narnia Chronicles has influenced me in writing The Magic Warble. My story is about a 12 year old girl named Kristina Kingsly, who hates to go to school because she doesn't fit in. She's bullied by some of the kids, and they make her daily life miserable. I created this aspect of my main characters life, because as a child, I had experienced dealing with bullies in school myself, and I remember hating to go because of them.
My parents owned their own piano store business and they up and moved it many times, so before the age of 13, I had made 5 major moves, and had been to 7 different public schools. I can remember this being difficult for me, especially having to leave friends I had made, and even worse having to make new ones, which I was not good at.
I named the main character "Kristina" after my daughter Kristina, who is now 14. Even so, my book's character is not characterized after my daughter. Kristina in The Magic Warble is definitely her own unique person.
In the story, Kristina receives a gift from her teacher at school, and it's this gift that magically takes her to another world, where she finds out that she not only fits in, but is chosen for a very important task, and if she completes the task, she will change the destiny of the land. Throughout her journey, Kristina meets all kinds of characters, such as dwarfs, gnomes, fairies, talking animals and a teenage boy named Werrien, who ends up going along with her on her adventure. On her perilous journey, she will not only have her strength tested but her heart as well.
I wrote this story because, I love fairy tales and fantasy stories, and I have a big imagination that I thought I may as well put to good use. Once I got started writing the manuscript, I couldn't stop. My characters seemed to take on a life of their own, and I felt that I owed it to them to finish their story. This may seem a little weird, but when you spend a great amount of time writing a story, you do or at least I do get very attached to my characters.
Even though The Magic Warble is a fantasy filled with adventure, suspense and intrigue, the underlying message is one of faith, hope, perseverance, friendship and love.

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  • Victoria Simcox

    Hi Veronica, thanks for friending me Best wishes for this new year. Victoria
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