Camille Marchetta

, Female


United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
Where to start? I love books and films, ballet and art, travel, and of course my family and friends. To start with, I was a literary agent, and then a television writer for shows like Dallas and Dynasty and Falcon Crest, among others, and fnally a novelist. In addition to co-authoring two fiction bestsellers with Ivana Trump, I've written three novels of my own. The River, By Moonlight is the latest. Set in 1917 in New York City and the Hudson River Valley, it deals with the death of a young woman, a talented artist, and its effect on her family and friends. They are devastated by her loss, and tormented by questions of how and why.

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  • Camille Marchetta

    Now, that's what I call a LIFE! It was fun to read. I'm glad you wrote it.
  • Dyan Garris

    Hello Camille. How sweet of you! I had no idea I was a web celeb. LOL! Funny! If you have myspace, let's be friends there too. You have lovely, clear energy. Thank you for the friendship. myspace/com/voiceoftheangels.
  • Bert Martinez

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