Adrienne Zurub

, Female

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Something About Me and My Book:
I am a author/speaker/actor/comedian/pOet/RN marketing and promoting my forthcoming book, 'NOtes From the MotherShip~Naked Invisibles' release of November 2007.

My book is a nonfiction collage of my life, obsession, death, love, a menage a trois in Greece, assholes, and great people for starters.

I welcome you to venture, be touched, and learn through my collective experiences! You will not be disappointed.
An excerpt from the book is at:
Also, more information about me and my interests:

I thought of the title for the book at the age of 12.

Adrienne Zurub's Amazon Blog -

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  • Adrienne Zurub

    Of course, I have felt 'stuck' and 'in a rut.' I am a writer.
    Yet, when I have been in that state, it is because a transformation(s) or change(s) is/are needed or forthcoming.
    I would say the words you chose did not resonate with me. BUT, that is me. Remember, I did state IMO.

    L., I understand your loyalty to your title. I know a lot of sweat equity has got you to this point.
    Here I am essentially an interloper, telling you that perhaps the title could be better or 'tighter.' I would feel guarded as well.

    I just read "FLIP" How to Turn Everything You Know on Its Head - and Succeed Beyond Your Wildest Imagings,+Peter+9780061558955.htm

    Look at other titles of books similar to yours. Go to the bookstore and really note what titles JUMP OUT at you and command YOUR attention. Apply that information/research to your book.

    You have a lot of information in your book's description. Sheahan's book title in some way resembles yours:
    'BREAK OUT!" yada yada yada....

    Yet, Sheahan makes a seductive (lure) statement below the bold word (FLIP). My suggestion(s) to you were 'lure types' to induce a reader to look-in- the-book.

    Dude, your book has less than 15 seconds to grab a potential readers attention (front and back cover), INDUCE that person pick it up and explore your title & marketing statements aka known as cover copy!
    A self-help book title should not be a mystery. The remedy should (and better)

    I mentioned seven steps because you, L., claim to provide seven steps to do it in. People naturally lean towards something that is time efficient ("Just 7 steps?! Wow, I can do that") AND appears easy.

    L., again, IMO

  • L. Andrew Morgan


    I appreciate the feedback and the spirit in which it was offered.
  • Freya R

    Hi Adrienne

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    We'd love it if you'd take a look at our tool and share your thoughts.

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