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Something About Me and My Book:
I wrote my book about my life, this seemed the ideal thing to do when you one reflects upon one experiences so many difficulties! It has been an incredible life and its getting even better now that I am selling the book and people really like it!
'Searching for Mooneyes' begins in India where i was born, leads us to the Arabian Gulf, where I lived with my family , then around the world as I lived and worked trying to discover my identity. I was eventually led to Wounded Knee in South Dakota by remarkable twists and turns , this had a profound effect on everything. In the meantime I had discovered that the name for something I took for granted was clairvoyance and mediumship things which had isolated me from the mainstream for a very long time. Life is a remarkable journey and I am enjoying my travels more and more each day! The book is available at and most major book stores to order.

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  • Ricky Fico

    Angie, Happy Holidays and I wish you the best!

    Monuments 4 Life
  • Angie

    Hi James. Happy new year! Thanks for the link to promote books I will be sure to get going on more promotion work as soon as possible!
    All the very best for a great 2008!
  • Susan Cook-Jahme

    Hi Angie,
    Just dropping in to say "Hi" and see what you have been up to lately!
    Visit the storefront where I sell my books:

    Africa’s Amazing ABC (children’s)

    African Dust on the Soles Of my Feet (poetry)