Linda-Reducer Walker

Profile Information:

Something About Me and My Book:
My name is Linda and I am a 47 year-old homemaker and caregiver to my husband, Chris,
who became disabled at a very young age which dramatically changed my family’s entire
lives these past ten years. We have three sons, Kevin, Kurt, and Karl.

During this time, I began to experience serious health problems due to being overweight
coupled with a bit of anxiety regarding my husband’s health and the lack of financial
security of my family.

I have always had questions about my own past that I wanted answered so I began a
journey of self---Who am I? Why is this happening to my family? And what can I do to make it
change? During this journey, I came upon certain answers that I didn’t realize at the time
were actually working for me until I began noticing the changes on the inside as well as on
the outside. I stopped biting my fingernails after years of biting them down to nothing! I
began dropping weight and felt energy coming from within that was not there before. My
entire outlook changed in a more positive direction. My situation at home was the same but
somehow I found the strength and the patience and the courage to see it through without
losing my mind.

While on this journey I found that some of these answers came from within. Some of the
answers came from a simple change of the use of certain words and a more positive
attitude. I became a weight Reducer instead of remaining a weight ‘Loser.’ I released
negative implants that had haunted me for years. I found and healed the battered and
bruised ‘little girl’ within and released her long-held secrets…secrets that belonged on the
shoulders of others, not her own fragile back. Everyone should experience their own
journey of renewal and discovery. I challenge each and every one of you suffering from
weight problems to begin now on your own journey of self.

As my weight reduced, I found myself talking and telling everyone who asked how I became
this new and different person. I was constantly correcting everyone, even my doctors, that it
was weight reduction not weight “loss.” Finally I was encouraged by my family and my
doctors to write everything down and in such a way that everyone would understand it.
Personally, I think they just wanted me to quit talking so much! It was very exciting and
stimulating for me to write this story about weight reduction although I never wanted to put
together a huge amount of information because I felt it wasn’t necessary; rather, I wanted to
keep it simple, to the point, information with a touch of fun.

There are so many “quick fixes” and miracle diets and weight “loss” programs out there
today, that I thought “Why does it have to be so hard and so confusing and so chaotic to find
the right weight maintenance program that suits and fits everyone?”

It doesn’t! It’s not hard at all anymore. You see, I’ve tried them all. I’ve done the whole, entire
“losing weight” game only to have the weight I “lost” then, come back plus a few extra
pounds each and every time. I know that fad diets, weight “loss” plans, and hiding behind
the latest designer label lets us get away with continuing to feed our excuses and
perpetrate the mind games we so often fall prey to. All you have to do is believe in the power
of your own mind and spirit.

With all of today’s computer technology, we tend to overlook that we all are equipped with
the greatest, most cutting-edge computer of all---the human mind. The key to real weight
reduction is inside you. Everyone has a ‘mental switch’ within. The trick is to discover where
it is and how to use it. And above all, take notice of the words I use when referring to my
weight. Reduce. Reducing. Reduction. Take the word “lose” and consider it’s
meaning…Failure…not a winner. Take a look at the meaning of the word
Reducer…defeat…conquer…to make smaller. Ever lose your keys only to find them later in
a spot you weren’t even thinking about? That’s because your mind, somewhere in all that
storage data, was searching and seeking out the exact place where it knew you left your
keys! Think about it for a few minutes. Why would you ever feel the need to go out and ‘find’
all the weight you’ve “lost?”

I never followed a diet plan. The word “diet” automatically dredges up fear and negativity
inside a person the minute they are told they must go on a diet. Counting calories and fat
grams, no, thank you. Looking for excuses to remain overweight, no thank you, again. Giving
myself permission to be and stay overweight, once more, no thank you.

There are many books on the market today for dieters to buy and read (such as The Atkin’s
Diet, Dr. Phil, Richard Simmons, Susan Powter, many others) and most will discard them if
they become too overwhelmed with too much information. There are numerous, countless,
weight “loss” stories already told and everyone wants their secret ‘way.’ The untold story
is always ‘how’ they managed to keep the weight off. By sacrifice? Through deprivation? By
denying themselves what they crave most? The real question is this…Do they understand
enough about ‘who’ they are and ‘why’ they are, so that they’ll never again feel the need to
go out and find all that weight they “lost?’ Think about it once more, the difference in the
meanings of these two words, Reducer and “Loser” and then take your own journey of self.
I challenge you to free yourself from yo-yo dieting!

And as always, With a Smile, Linda-Reducer
"Life is about choices; it's not about excuses. Excuses only trap us into believing that we
cannot take control of our own lives." Michael Gerber.

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  • Lynn C. Johnston

    You're welcome and thank you. I really appreciate your comments.
  • Linda-Reducer Walker

    Thank you, Sweetie.....and welcome to your own weight reduction journey. You WILL be successful and maintain!
    Love and With a Smile, Linda-Reducer
  • Bert Martinez

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