JoAnn "Joie" Melton

75, Female

St. Louis, MO

United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
in development

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  • Paradise

    Hi Joie Melton,
    One of the most famous restaurants in our area used to be the Bob Melton BBQ place on the Tar River, but it was flooded out during Hurricane Floyd and never did recover although they did try to reopen on higher ground.
    My email is
    I have been writing for over forty years, (yes I am that old and then some) But, I might add, look how long it takes to make a true diamond.
    As far as my books, I have had several smaller publications and then in 2000 I got the idea to do a series and I published the first book of the series as a trial, which did well and that encouraged me to get busy. I finished a five book series in 2009 and I have another five books and which is a related series coming out this year. The five are written and awaiting edit which is done by my youngest daughter and her husband. It gives them something extra to do and they are good a covering my mistakes. I will try to answer your three emails in sequence, this is the first. Dr M
  • Paradise

    I take a lot of pictures of animals and insects. I have some very interesting and different spider web shots. One of my favorite is the tent spider. I do live out in the country on five acres with my pet geese, chickens and dog as well as some very tme two foot catfish. rm
  • Paradise

    Your book sounds very interesting and I would like to read it. I have a strong belief in the unusual and mystical approach to our total life. I taught hypnosis for twenty years in Florida and learned a lot about the inner being, most of which we never really get to know. My books are intended for the youth and young adult with no swearing, sex scenes or information that I wouldn't want my own children to read. However, I have a lot of good book ideas not in the vein that I write which often come to me in a dream. Last night I dreamed about two different groups of people experiencing a vacation in Hawaii. One group consisted of school teachers on Spring Break with a man being the main character of that book and that group. He was not too much in tune with the crazy and often unethical antics of some of the teachers. The second group farther down on the beach consisted of a dozen nuns on holiday. The man from the group of teachers, not being interested in water gun fights and wet t shirts, walks down the beach and gets invited to sit with the singing nuns. )It's along story and I am sure you would not be interested( but you might be able to get the drift. I love writing, I have not only a vivid imagination, but one which is not only variable, but extensive. By the way, once you read these comments, you don't have to approve them, normally, I am writing just to the person that wrote to me and not all others. It won't offend me if I don't see my emails published. Write again and I look forward to hearing about your book.
    I might add that I was raised in Missouri where we had some of the most interesting spiders that I have ever seen. My early childhood was across the river in Illinois and the Black Widow spiders lived by the hundreds in our basement. They didn't bother us and we didn't bother them.