Harley Sachs

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Something About Me and My Book:
Well, I have over a dozen books, but the latest release is the second edition of "Irma Quarterdeck Reports" reissued by Far Horizons publishing company. It's a collection of funny anecdotes about Ralph Quarterdeck and his wife Irma who gets her husband out of mishaps aboard their sailboat. It's a feminist book intended to empower women boaters, too often relegatred to cook and first mate when they are the real brains of the outfit. Far Horizons sells it for $19.95 in bookstores. My other books are in both ebookk and POD formats, but I have recorded most for the blind and offer themn as audiobooks. A couple are at audible.com.

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  • Jo Fulkerson

    I sincerely appreciate your comments. I have done a little revision on Chapter one, namely deleting the Prologue and addint the bit about the town's legend into Chapter 1 itself.

    I didn't have any trouble getting onto my site - just takes too long, really, but it did open up. Somewhere I read about a free place to set up a website but I have misplaced the info. Being free, it may or may not be worth the effort.
  • Linda Ballou

    Thanks for the tip. I will add it to my ever growing list.
  • Bert Martinez

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