Eric Coleman



United States

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Something About Me and My Book:
They say, “The moment one life ends, another begins.” This saying has never been truer, for Sun. A 16 –year- old man-child from the streets of Baltimore. Sun has always known he was different, always had issues with his mother, and never had many friends. Sun is seen as an outcast. Although he could never prove it, the only thing Sun could really believe in is the existence of Angels and Demons.

Now, faced with death at an early age, Sun is forced to examine the things he believed but could never prove. Standing in-between heaven and hell, Sun meets a Spirit Guide that shows him his life review through the eyes of an Angel. Now, Sun must search through the memories of his life, as he walks down the Road of Forgiveness. This path takes him into past demons, encounters with death, and sheds light on Spiritual Warfare. Will Sun overcome these obstacles and make his way into heaven? Or will he fall for the demon’s trap and lose his favor in the process?

The Spirit of the Wind is a must-read, a riveting thriller that will have you on edge throughout the entire book. This unforgettable story about forgiveness will change the way you view life.

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  • Eric Coleman

    Thank you so much for the compliment
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