Christiane Bosanquet

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Something About Me and My Book:
1. Butterfly - About a young immigrant girl to Australia in the 60's, the men she loved, the jobs she lost. The marriage, knowing him only 3 weks and 2 days....leaving after a month, trekking through the desert........etc. etc.
1. ANOREXIA - the novel.
2. FATHERS - justice denied (just finished this one)
3. KODI - (trilogy, book 1 completed 3/4 through book 2).

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  • Christiane Bosanquet

    Ah my cruise. My schedule is thus: Victoria-Vancouver-Toronto-Miami......14 day cruise from Miami Fla to Italy (Rome), 4 days in Rome where my girlfriend and I part company and then I am off to Casablanca for three weeks to see the rest of Morocco (the parts I missed when visiting last October). This time adventuring into the Sahara to visit the Bedouins,(by camel....but of course!. Fascinating place Morocco.....awe inspiring. Oh, can you give me the ISBN # for Glastonbury? Thanks.
  • Author & Book Promotions

    Hello Christiane,

    Thanks for the note, and good luck with your trip! I hope to learn more about your work.

  • Bert Martinez

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