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A new concept in health books:

There are thousands of books on diets and nutrition. They tell you what to eat and what not to eat; when to eat, when not to eat; foods to add to your diet and foods to eliminate.

There are also thousands of books on cooking – everything from slow, all-day crock-pot cooking to fast and easy thirty-minute meals; salad books, pasta books, meat books, dessert books, casserole books, grilling books, gluten-free books, and how to cook all this stuff – how to mix this with that, how long to stir or beat, how hard to knead or pound, how long to simmer, broil, bake or fry.

It can be so overwhelming that we just give up and go eat junk from a take-out rather than deal with planning menus, counting calories, calculating grams, making grocery lists, clipping coupons, looking for daily specials, and standing in long lines at the grocery store when all we wanted was something to make our tummy growl go away.

This is a different kind of health and diet book – because it’s not about the how-to or don’t do – it’s about the WHY!

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