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Sheila Roberts's Blog – November 2007 Archive (3)

Oh, so thankful

Today I baked two pies for tomorrow: a pumpkin and a wild huckleberry. In the morning I'll cook the smelly rutabagas that we ate every Thanksgiving growing up, the rutabagas my brothers love and that no other female in my family will come near. And then my husband and I will go over the river and through the woods... or rather down the long freeway, spend the day laughing and talking. And, of course, we'll marvel over how much all the kids have grown (including mine!). And I'll think about all… Continue

Added by Sheila Roberts on November 21, 2007 at 6:58pm — No Comments

Time, time, time

Well, here it is a week - or has it been two - and I haven't come back to my page. It has sat forgotten and forlorn. Well, since this is an inanimate object, maybe I should leave it at forgotten. This, somehow, never makes it onto my to-do list. Maybe it's because I already have a website to maintain and a newsletter to put out. And a book to write. That doesn't always leave me with a lot of leftover time. So I'm wondering how other writers find time to blog on a regular basis. And how many… Continue

Added by Sheila Roberts on November 18, 2007 at 11:19pm — 1 Comment

New Book, New Times - Alice in Blunderland

Well, so here I am, new to the world of online community blogging and wondering how I will survive this brave, new world. I felt like I was doing good to get something up on my website once a month... and that was enough of a technology challenge! But here I am, dipping a toe in new waters of this new world and hoping nothing bites it. So far I have no friends. (I'm glad that's not true in real life or I would be seriously depressed!), and so far I can't seem to get my picture up, so I am… Continue

Added by Sheila Roberts on November 1, 2007 at 3:12pm — 1 Comment

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