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All Blog Posts Tagged 'murder' (368)

Is it worth it to even try to get an agent?

The year is 2005 and I just signed with my agent at

Fineprint Literary. I was full of hope and excitement and dreams of hitting it

big. Unfortunately, three and a half years later we ended our contract. Now,

with six books available for sale and another four on the way I’m beginning to

wonder if it is worth the effort to try and get signed again. Considering the

average “good” agent receives over 100 email queries a day, what are my odds of

getting discovered even if…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 23, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

When You Least Expect It...

...I'm right behind you. As is the case with my latest release, The

Two Johns

Now available

from Trestle Press, the latest installment of the Author's Lab Collaboration

Series, comes The Two Johns by Giovanni Gelati and Sam Lang.

I have… Continue

Added by Sam Lang on September 19, 2011 at 4:28pm — No Comments

The Fright Factory by William R. Potter


             A cozy cabin on a lake. A few glasses of wine. Erotic conversation. What could go wrong?

Wesley and Robin Tate become empty-nesters in their early forties when their daughter leaves home for college. Without the shared focus on parenting, a few weak spots in their relationship have been revealed. A weekend away at a secluded resort cottage seems like just the thing to rekindle and refresh their strained…


Added by William R. Potter on September 19, 2011 at 6:48am — No Comments

Dead End - Leigh Russell, Author

Dead End – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat and Think With Your Taste Buds – Desserts
Abigail’s head hurt.  She was afraid something was wrong with her eyes.  She couldn’t see anything.  A heavy weight was pressing down on her chest.  She fought against a feeling of nausea, and tried to turn her head but…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on September 18, 2011 at 8:44am — No Comments

The G-Man Reviews Shadow Boxing

Maybe this is out of character for me, but I am grateful to read these kinds of

reviews about my writing.

Giovani Gelati says, "I know as a reader,

sooner or later he is going to drop the anvil on my head."

Please read

his full review HERE: …


Added by Sam Lang on September 17, 2011 at 7:40am — No Comments

For Every Action There Are Consequences - Gail Baugniet, Author

For Every Action There Are Consequences – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat and Think With Your Taste Buds – Desserts

‘Back in my office, I set Jed’s report aside and turned my attention to the witness statements.  Neighbors had reported loud noises and shouts coming from the only bungalow in the…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on September 16, 2011 at 4:06pm — No Comments

I love publishing books that shake-up the mainstream

Yeah, I had a top agent once; Gary Heidt at Signature Lit. Yeah, at one time I was

also signed to one of the best agencies in NY; Fineprint Lit. Yeah, I got phone

calls that editors wanted to buy my books. Yeah, you guessed it, they all fell

through in the end. But you know what? I don't care. Cause now, I can write,

publish, and sell anything I want. When I was signed to these agencies I got

dozens of rejections, not because my stuff was bad, the editors all said,…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 16, 2011 at 1:04pm — No Comments

Exposure rules!

Got another interview posted. Please check it out.


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 14, 2011 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Interviews, interviews, interviews!

Lately, I've been getting into the interview thing. You'd be surprised how

many bloggers are looking for material and are willing to give an interview

with nothing in return. Of course, whenever I'm interviewed I promote it

heavily throughout the web which drives traffic to their blog. It's a symbiotic

partnership. Though I'm not sure how many sales these interviews generate, it

does give me lots of exposure. And I have gotten some nice feedback by…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 13, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Free promo for Indie writers

Hey all,

There’s a new site that will promo your book for free. It’s
called Indie snippets. They’ve listed two of my books so far and will do more
in the coming weeks. Here are the links to the pages. Check it out.


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 9, 2011 at 10:30am — No Comments

Chapter 3 is here for the taking

Have you been behaving yourself?

In case you have, here's a fresh opportunity to misbehave.

The newest chapter of Reprisal is available now from Trestle Press. In Shadow Boxing, the story takes a little turn...for the worse. Travelling that lonely stretch of road out of Reprisal to the west will lead you to the Edgar King penitentiary. This is where Chapter 3 begins. This is your…

Added by Sam Lang on September 7, 2011 at 12:46pm — No Comments

Will speech recognition programs make everyone a writer?


I’ve seen the commercials; a young child is telling a story as the computer automatically types it, fueling an imagination-laced story. The commercial makes it seem like anyone can be a writer. But by definition, what is a writer? I believe the term will soon be obsolete. Why? Because with speech recognition anyone can sit at a computer and talk into it, but it takes an artist to tell a story that fascinates. I do believe that soon millions of people will call themselves writers…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 5, 2011 at 11:47am — No Comments

What is the meaning of life?

I asked myself this question after a dear friend died of pancreatic cancer only eight days after his initial diagnosis. The experience left me feeling empty and searching for purpose. I wrote DROP OUT as a way of dealing with the senselessness of it all. Writing the book allowed me to explore why we are here on this Earth and in this physical world. Since the story revolves around one man's loss after 9/11 I believe the book is even more relevant as the anniversary of that terrible day…


Added by Neil Ostroff on September 1, 2011 at 7:00pm — No Comments

Hurricane wait!

And so the waiting begins. The hurricane is coming. It’s always strange the denial people feel before a disaster hits, especially a day like today. Here in Pennsylvania, it’s a sunny, beautiful day. But I’m not fooled. I’ve been watching the weather channel and I know it’s coming. I know in 36 hours my life will be significantly changed if the storm gives us a direct hit. I’m not saying I’m going to lose my house or anything like that, though we may get some pretty serious storm damage, I’m…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 27, 2011 at 5:58am — No Comments

Hurricane is coming!


     By now most people are aware that a hurricane is coming our way here on the east coast. I’m pretty safe in Pennsylvania, but I sympathize with those along the shore. I know it’s going to be a rough ride.

     Besides the wind, rain, hail, and destruction, there is something fascinating about watching Mother Nature unleash her wrath. It makes you think that with all our technology we’re still vulnerable when it comes to our environment. Perhaps, one day we will be able to…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 25, 2011 at 9:20am — No Comments

Aging a story to perfection

     Finished my newest middle grade sci/fi novel, INSECTLAND yesterday and now it’s off to get its cover. I am using my usual ebook cover person, Judy Bullard. This is a book I started in January of 1997 and have been tweaking ever since. It’s funny how some novels can be written in a few months while others, like this one, can take years.

     Actually, I think I need to clarify something here. It didn’t take me this long to write the book, I actually wrote the book in four months…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

crazy psycho novel


Here is an excerpt from one of my novels.






N. D. Ostroff






How it all began



I knew I shouldn’t…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 23, 2011 at 9:12am — No Comments

1.4 million dollars is all I need to keep my wife happy.


My wife and I live near a lake and every morning we take a long walk. Well, this morning my wife turns to me and says out of the blue; “You need to make 1.4 million dollars.”

“Done,” I replied.

“No really,” she pressed. “We need 1.4 million dollars.”

“Why that amount?” I asked.

She gave me this answer. 1.4 million dollars is the number she came up with that will allow us to retire; which sounded good to me since we’re both in our early forties. She came…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 22, 2011 at 9:49am — No Comments

Be Careful What You Wish For - Sibel Hodge, Author

Be Careful What You Wish For – Review by Martha A. Cheves, Author of Stir, Laugh, Repeat and Think With Your Taste Buds – Desserts
“I arrived at the gym one morning to get some equipment sorted out for the boxers.  It was still really early so I assumed no one would be there, but when I went in, I could…

Added by Martha A. Cheves on August 21, 2011 at 3:33pm — No Comments

What would really happen if you hit it big as a writer?

     For years and years, I dreamed of hitting it big as a writer. That dream kept me going through twelve hour days slaving in a corporate kitchen, through hard financial times, and even through bad relationships. The dream got closer when I signed with a top NY agency and even closer when editors of big publishing houses were requesting my stuff. But alas, the big viral hit still hasn’t happened. The books are written and being written, and quite a few are available for purchase and have…


Added by Neil Ostroff on August 20, 2011 at 9:37am — No Comments

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