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All Blog Posts Tagged 'adventure' (400)

Book Review: Travels with Gannon and Wyatt: Botswana by Patti Wheeler and Keith Hemstreet

Travels with Gannon and Wyatt: Botswana

Patti Wheeler and Keith Hemstreet

Claim Stake Publishing, LLC (2010)



Added by William R. Potter on June 23, 2010 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Pirate Latitudes: Brings The Charm That Pirate Novels Have Been Missing For So Long.

Pirate Latitudes By Michael Crichton…


Added by Samie Foster on June 15, 2010 at 8:15pm — No Comments

Ab Fab Review for Lost angel Walkabout-One Traveler's Tales

Lost Angel Walkabout by Linda Ballou is one of the most beautifully written travel books I have ever read. Linda tells her personal experiences of her many travels in different continents and environs. She is well-known as…


Added by Linda Ballou on June 9, 2010 at 10:11pm — No Comments

Lost Angel Walkabout-One Traveler's Tales has arrived!!!!!!!!

Lost Angel Walkabout—One Traveler’s Tales is a spirited collection of travel narratives recounting the haps, mishaps, and serendipitous adventures that give, travel-writer Linda Ballou, a sense of wonder and delight. Some of the stories like “Falling in the Footsteps…


Added by Linda Ballou on May 21, 2010 at 10:07am — No Comments


Many writers begin writing for the joy of the writing experience. They have no true idea of where the end of the road leads to. It is believed that getting published is the answer to it all. Then the cold hard reality of going from writer, to salesperson hits them when they have to write their first Query Letter. After they snag an agent with the query letter, then they have to write a synopsis of…


Added by LM Preston on April 15, 2010 at 9:24am — No Comments

Gone Away Into The Land by Jeffrey B. Allen a Book Review

The dust jacket text for Gone Away: Into the Land promises an epic fantasy adventure. I can tell you that this is one novel that exceeds expectations. Author Jeffrey B. Allen takes the reader on an

adventure that will leave you thinking about the story long after you

close the final page.

We meet our protagonist, twelve-year-old John Gerber. John's life is not that of an average…


Added by William R. Potter on February 6, 2010 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Seeking Shelter now available!!!

Brigham Montgomery buys a rogue stallion and a world of trouble. Being the boss of a working ranch isn't easy either. Loss and fear sends Kat to South Dakota searching for the one friend she has left in the world - a special horse - a horse someone wants dead. A stable fire, gunshots, and two greedy men bring Brig and Kat together in a way neither would ever imagine.

A sweet contemporary western romance, Seeking Shelter is suitable for readers from young adult to senior… Continue

Added by Rebecca J Vickery on January 29, 2010 at 12:36pm — No Comments

Political satire at its best - "The Adventures of George"1

Interested in politics, international affairs, and remember your recent history? If so, "The Adventures of George", a satirical and entertaining look at modern events, will set you chuckling.

And George? . . . . . . .who is this George? Well, George may be a common name but it’s good enough for Kings, for Princes, and for Presidents. So which category does our hero fall into? To find out, read this amusing narrative poem which chronicles George’s struggles with international leaders… Continue

Added by Blair Gowrie on January 24, 2010 at 2:11am — No Comments

The Asquinn Twins Series E-Books

Check out my newly released e-books at Lulu.

These books are for age fifteen and up.

And there's more to come!

Grace Brooks

Added by Grace Brooks on January 2, 2010 at 7:22am — No Comments

Saucer By Stephen Coonts

Saucer By Stephen Coonts

Over all rating: A surprising fun thrill Ride

Being a fan of sci-fi thrillers, I gave it a try. Not to mention it was given to me. It’s a simple novel called Saucer written by Stephen Coonts. The write up doesn’t explain much. The cover just has a picture of saucer on it, giving the reader no real clue of what their about to read,

So what is it about? It starts off with a archeological team and oil drillers that stumble across something shiny in the… Continue

Added by Samie Foster on December 27, 2009 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Crossroads is available,The Raven Affair to be released soon

Reviews for Crossroads (web site:

"Reminiscent of John Le Carre with a dash of Ian Flemming, Steven Nedelton's Crossroads plunges us deep into the complicated and not yet thawed Cold War mind-power experimentations and its dubious dark characters that once inhabited that volatile underworld. Written with an uncanny knack for plot and time-shifting, this 21st century thriller also introduces us to 20 th century CIA Agent… Continue

Added by steven nedelton on December 7, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Do you believe in the extrasensory, paranormal....

Way back in the late fifties, a man was crossing a street in a city hundreds of miles away from his home and family. He was on a business trip. All of a sudden, he had a feeling that something happened to his wife. Later, in the evening, while he was watching his hometown news, he discovered that his wife was killed that same day in an automotive accident while crossing a street. About the same time he had the premonition.

Visit and… Continue

Added by steven nedelton on December 2, 2009 at 5:30pm — No Comments

DEMON HUNTER 2: SEEK & DESTROY, mixing genres makes for great sequels

Demon Hunter: Seek & Destroy follows up where The Chosen One leaves off with an unlikely trio setting out to do good for the land by battling the agents of Hell. If the portal to Hell opened up in your backyard what would you do? For centuries those that live in fear have sought the demon hunter to aide them. As the newly appointed hunter, Costa Calabrese has Hell itself to contend with before Heaven can be rebuilt. But when familiar faces turn up on the opposite side he must find out if… Continue

Added by Cynthia Vespia on November 28, 2009 at 10:38am — No Comments

Take Advantage of Me Holiday Sale

Happy Holidays to Everyone!!!

I'm offering a special 25% off coupon on each of my 2009 releases…

Added by Rebecca J Vickery on November 21, 2009 at 11:52am — No Comments

CROSSROADS published

Readers, who like LeCarre and Forsyth novels and movies, might also like my recently published CROSSROADS thriller. My The Raven Affair should be published by the end of 2009. My third novel, Last Flight to Rome, requires further work before submission. My fourth novel, Tunnel, is still in the 'formative' stage. Interested readers can find my novels and their progress at". I have received a couple of complimentary reviews and I am… Continue

Added by steven nedelton on October 23, 2009 at 7:59am — No Comments

Running in Good Company

I am proud to announce that my story Irish Mist about my cross-country jumping days in the wild west of Ireland is included in a wonderful anthology titled WHY WE RIDE. It is a collection of women writers talking about the horses in their lives. Forward by Jane Smiley, of Horse Heaven fame.

You can make advance purchase on Amazon. It will be out in… Continue

Added by Linda Ballou on October 19, 2009 at 10:14pm — No Comments

Secret of the Sands eBook is now also available on OmniLit!

Hi fellow readers,

I wanted to pass along some cool news - the eBook version of Secret of the Sands is now also available on OmniLit! We were honored that they added our book to their site.


Here is the link to our listing:…


Added by Rai Aren on October 18, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

Secret of the Sands was again an Amazon kindle Bestseller!!

Hello fellow readers!

I just wanted to share our good news with you - this past week, Secret of the Sands appeared on the Amazon Kindle Bestseller list for Historical Fiction. Thank-you to all of you wonderful readers out there who are giving our mystery tale about ancient Egypt a try...

Here's a screen shot, we might have been higher than #89, but that's just when I noticed it:…


Added by Rai Aren on September 30, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Into the Garden at Pleasant Grove With Meriwether and Jeremiah (Excerpt from ENEMY OF THE KING)

1780 South Carolina

Stone lions the size of wolfhounds sat on either side of the imposing front door as if to devour unwanted guests. Perhaps Jeremiah enjoyed their significance. He seldom entertained and seemed happier seated astride a horse than in the company of most ladies and gentlemen. He turned the marble knob and led Meriwether out onto the crescent-shaped balcony. He leaned momentarily on the iron railing. “Feel that… Continue

Added by Beth Trissel on July 10, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Strange Neighbors and How They Can Affect Your Home Life

We’ve all been there…either you tour one of the apartment homes or you go house-hunting and see the “perfect home” for you or your family. Then you run, not walk to pay the deposit, earnest money, whatever is required to secure the home of your dreams.

Everything appears to be all that you imagined and more. As… Continue

Added by Tamera E Lawrence on June 22, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

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