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All Blog Posts Tagged 'poetry' (543)

Poem: If I Were...

If I were...

truly illuminated, what would you see?

Could the brightness of Christ fully shine

and the persona of me disappear?

If I were...

gifted, in other unknown ways.

Would I be able to discover them

or would I choose to deny them anyway?

If I were...

blessed, beyond Earthly needs.

How much of myself would I be willing to share,

besides just money and possessions?

If I were...

eloquent, in my verbose… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 4, 2009 at 5:36am — No Comments

Poem: Human Warranty

Etched into the soul's fine print
should be the motto "Handle with Care";
but Man's nature to ignore instruction
is manifested in Life's disrepair.

To have God's Word in written form
could be viewed as a "Human Warranty",
where divine ground rules for all
has abundance in the best that Life can be.

Learn more about me and my poetry at:

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on September 4, 2009 at 5:34am — No Comments

Poem: Evening Sky

Gazing into a starry night,

I see a deep indigo sky

with perfect placement of twinkling light.

Stars reveal the expanse of time

from before the birth of humanity;

their existence came from dynamic energy

which was created by spoken word

that no man has ever heard.

Solitary spirit of awesome might

painted this heavenly canvas

with a flick of His hand and uttered thought.

Divine creation shared with you and me -

It's part of our heritage… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 30, 2009 at 8:01am — 1 Comment

Poem: Avoiding Hell?

Have you sealed your fate

with the rejection of Him?

Accept Christ now

before your life wears thin.

For in permanent separation

there's no God or peace -

Only continual torment and anguish

without any comfort or release.

Alone in the dark

as fallen angels without light,

you too will become a demon creature

lacking hope of spiritual sight.

Forget about Purgatory,

but make a decision today -

avoiding Hell can… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 30, 2009 at 8:00am — No Comments

Poem: Waiting on You

When floating in the sea of despair,

never give up hope, for the Lord is already there.

For in the time of your darkest hour,

you can tap into His Dunamis power.

Addressing Earth's challenges requires a key -

As a child of His, you must yourself see.

To assure that your earnest prayers are heard,

you need to hide in your heart His Holy Word.

For out of your mouth, His Word you should speak,

which demonstrates that Him you truly seek.

For God's… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 26, 2009 at 12:53pm — No Comments

Poem: As a Joint Heir with Thee

What a blessing it would be

as a joint heir with thee,

sharing the Father's affection

for the numerous days of eternity!

What a honor you've bestowed upon me

as a joint heir with thee,

being adopted by the universal King

and connected to the divine, family tree.

What a grand responsibility

as a joint heir with thee,

proclaiming your name and love

to the World's expanse of humanity.

Learn more about me and… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 26, 2009 at 12:52pm — No Comments

Hi, I'm reposting for my friend on here. I'm excited to be a part of XoXo Publishing family of authors.

XoXo Publishing Social Network is announcing a contest for writers, poets and artists.

Here is a chance for you to showcase your work and WIN some great prizes!!!

Explore your sexual fantasies, and show us what you can do.

We have three topics:

L'Amour des Trois

Love in an Envelope

Sesso Libro

Your short erotic story must not be more than 1500 words.

You may pick any genres such as romance, vampire,… Continue

Added by Stefania C. S. on August 18, 2009 at 5:50pm — No Comments

"My Mother's Voice"

Today is my late mother's birthday. The following poem, at the beginning of my novel, 'Half Moon, Full Heart,' is my tribute.

I am often asked how, given my background in engineering (BSEE in another life), I came to write. I respond by blaming/crediting the fact I was born at the right address in a small Texas town: my mother and father lived and loved there. Except for that fact, my life may have been woefully different. My dear mother taught me to read at the age of… Continue

Added by Gene Cartwright on August 13, 2009 at 10:30pm — 1 Comment

Poem: My Soul Now Sings

My invisible scars

are plain for anyone to see,

as I blindly journey on...

This path of Christianity.

Wanting deliberate faith

ready on my tongue,

I received God's Salvation

when I was dumb and young.

Inflicted wounds to my soul

from a lack of understanding

have been healed by the Power

of Christ's personal anointing.

I am worth dying for

according to His Word;

The Lamb's wondrous sacrifice

had sin to… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 10, 2009 at 7:32am — No Comments

Poem: Only Your Adoration

The essence of God is within,

looking to spring forth in your life.

You have been greatly blessed,

but may be unable to recognize it.

Learn to die to selfish desire

and enable His Spirit to be activated.

All that God requests is your adoration.

Giving praise and singing hymns to Yaweh

means He has captured your heart -

Therefore, your love for Him is... Genuine.

From my book "Reaching Towards His Unbounded… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 10, 2009 at 7:31am — No Comments

Poem: Prism to our Past

A humbling profession is

Biblical archaeology,

where people are found prostrate -

Searching for glimpses of Man's history.

Forgotten souls and evidence have been

covered by layers of earthly dust,

as recent discoveries now include...

The decoding of Israel's "Exodus".

An eclectic collection of artifacts

of the "Hyksos Expulsion" have been laid bare

by Simcha, the "Naked Archaeologist",

on TV's "The History Channel"… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 4, 2009 at 12:01pm — No Comments

Book Review: Reaching Towards His Unbounded Glory by Ellen Tanner Marsh

As reviewed by NY Times best selling author

Ellen Tanner Marsh

Any Christian surveying the current state of modern poetry could easily become discouraged, given that much of that poetry can only be categorized as nihilistic. At worst, such poems seemingly promote despair and violence-against society, the church, or even against oneself. At best, they consist of self-centered whining and overdramatic emotionalism, completely devoid of spiritual muscle and ethical… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 4, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Poem: Silent Words Are Useless

I've got my opinions as any other;

Hopefully, I'll be clear and you'll understand

that our silent words are useless -

For the trees will willingly clap their hands.

The one true God spoke into existence

the birds, fishes, plants, mammals, Earth

and all forms of life including...

Humble beginnings of Mankind's birth.

The sound of our individual voices

is something that God covets and enjoys;

He wants our unadulterated praise… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 3, 2009 at 7:51am — No Comments

Poem: Giving Tithes to God

Revelations of the heart

regarding how one's money is spent

echoes volumes about character

and our God-given talents.

For Jehovah is far from being poor;

He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.

He's not into ungodly extortion

to keep you from paying your bills.

By serving two masters,

one will be dearly loved - the other sorely hated;

so one can never be truly happy

until settling the God and Mammon debate.

The wealth… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on August 3, 2009 at 7:50am — No Comments

Poem: Moments of Clarity

Oh, how I desire more

of Your Light's essence,

to clearly penetrate

the core of my being.

How much can I endure

without Your Presence?

Though I may be frustrated,

it's You Lord, I'm believing.

It's been said before,

in Your Word's eloquence -

"nothing new" has been stated

and it agrees with what I'm seeing.

Moments of clarity, at the door

of Your Kingdom's brilliance,

are revelations of my faith's… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on July 30, 2009 at 7:47am — No Comments

Poem: On God's Mountain

To be on your mountain top

with an elevated view,

could my chances increase

for getting a glimpse of You?

Standing barefoot in your presence

before a burning bush consumed,

would your glory envelop me

as a spiritual womb?

Moses saw your backside,

but show me instead your face and eyes.

Having direct interaction with you

should cause my faith to be revised.

Conquering obstacles of Life

via a mountainous… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on July 30, 2009 at 7:46am — No Comments

How many people actually like to read poetry?

The other day I was meeting with members of my marketing team to discuss a poetry contest we are currently planning. When trying to figure out what sort of submissions we would be accepting, someone brought up the point that they do not want to read poetry submissions and stated, "Why would I want to read someone elses's when I write my own?"

Interesting to say the least.

While, we have decided what sort of submissions we will accept, it brings up an interesting discussion-How many of… Continue

Added by ZLS Publishing, LLC on July 28, 2009 at 10:13am — 1 Comment

Poem: Prone to Error

Challenges in Life are meant to be,

assisting us to reach maturity.

For our reaction to circumstance

marks personal growth beyond luck and chance.

Proven is our ability to learn,

expanding mental constraints as hearts burn.

Walking in upright, godly perfection

complements Jehovah's desire for Man's compassion.

The lasting goal is surely not religious fervor,

but moving past our fallen state of being...

Prone to error.

From… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on July 27, 2009 at 11:21am — No Comments

Poem: Forgiveness

We are wronged by people daily,

but to not forgive is unconscionable.

The Universal King had died for all;

for in eternity's view, we're pardonable.

He has given absolute amnesty

to everyone who has accepted Him.

Make no mistake about this unmerited immunity -

Grace's favor (over the course of Life) wears thin.

Death is inevitable, and our spirits

this mortal frame will leave;

so take advantage of God's condonation

to be granted… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on July 27, 2009 at 11:20am — No Comments

Poem: September 11, 2001

Failing to understand

why our nation is great,

an opportunity was sought

by souls cowardly lying in wait.

Focused on pure evil

as they have continually done,

an unholy attack was unleashed

on a day now known as 9-1-1.

Via the destruction

of New York's "Twin Towers"

the enemy crushed a symbol

of U.S. monetary power.

Beyond the resources to rebuild,

our country operates from a wealthy mindset;

so we can easily… Continue

Added by Joseph J. Breunig 3rd on July 26, 2009 at 1:07pm — No Comments

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