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All Blog Posts Tagged 'historical' (213)

Why Do Cats Have Nine Lives?

As a veterinarian I’m constantly surprised by the resilience of the feline species. This week alone a 17 year old cat with kidney failure successfully underwent dental attention, a stray cat lost a leg but was eating the same night and a kitten fell 40 feet with barely a scratch to show for it! Its no wonder cats have a reputation for having nine lives - which set me wondering where the saying originated.

Research into this fable led me to ancient Egypt. The ancient Egyptians believed…


Added by Grace Elliot on February 20, 2011 at 12:44pm — No Comments

Why is this cute ginger kitty up for sale?

My mid week blog post is a bit of fun.

Find out why this cute little ginger kitty is up for sale at



Added by Grace Elliot on February 16, 2011 at 12:35pm — No Comments

Cat Medicine - Victorian Style!

Last week I looked at how, in Victorian times, a cat’s reluctance to take medicine might help keep her alive. This week, I look at some of the remedies commonly inflicted on the poor, unsuspecting animals. 


Now as any cat owner knows, it’s perfectly normal for a cat to vomit from time to time. However if the vomiting became excessive, one Victorian remedy was to:




Added by Grace Elliot on February 13, 2011 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Another 5 / 5 review for 'A Dead Man's Debt.'

I'm delighted to read the latest review for my debut novel, a historical romance.

The Romance Reviews rated it 5/ 5 "HIstorical romance at its best."

Fiction Books rated it 5/ 5 "Keeper status."

and now My Book Addiction writes:



Added by Grace Elliot on February 5, 2011 at 1:47pm — No Comments

'The Value of a Cat'

You may have twigged by now that I'm a bit of a cat fanatic. I love them for their independance, their honesty and sheer cute furrines. But centuries ago, when times were tough a pet was expected to earn their keep, and as such had a value. In Medieval times cats were valued as catchers of mice and even had a price according to their skill, as laid down in the 10th century Welsh ‘Law of Hywel Dda.’
This states:
‘The value of a kitten form the night it is…

Added by Grace Elliot on February 2, 2011 at 7:13am — No Comments

The Spruce Gum Box by Elizabeth Wilder


Red Dobie Press (June 30, 2010)


278 pages

A Family Forged by Adversity. A Community United by Dreams.

Addie loved to run along the river’s edge so the wind could blow through her long hair, released from the strict bun her father demanded. When Jed returned from the lumber harvest in the spring, she would fly…


Added by William R. Potter on February 1, 2011 at 6:00am — No Comments

The 17th century Pedlar, his Dog and a Church Window.

A 17th century Pedlar, his Dog and a Church Window.


Discover the true story of how an itinerant pedlar commerated his dog in a church painted window.


            I came across the story of the Lambeth Pedlar and his dog whilst researching an article for the veterinary press. In the parish church of Saint Mary’s, Lambeth, to there is a painted glass window of a man weighted down with a back pack, with a dog at his feet. This is…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 30, 2011 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Some Victorian sayins to do with cats.

This week’s historical trivia unashamedly looks at Victorian sayings that involve cats.


If a thief talked about a ‘Cat’, the chances are he wasn’t referring to our feline friends but a lady’s muff. Similarly if he mentioned ‘Freeing a cat,’ best hold on tight to your possessions, because he was about to steal something.


For the full post follow the link:…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 26, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

WIN a copy of "A Dead Man's Debt."

Today Grace Elliot is guest blogger over at Terry's Place. Grace's debut novel, 'A Dead Man's Debt' was rated 5/5 by The Romance Reviews and described as 'Historical romance at its best.'

For a chance to win a copy of A Dead Man's Debt simply pop over to Terry's place and leave a comment!




Added by Grace Elliot on January 25, 2011 at 8:59am — No Comments

The Name of the Cat.

The Name of the Cat.

If you take the responsibility seriously, it is surprisingly difficult to choose the right name for cat. I was recently thrown into confusion when an RSPCA inspector asked me to name the litter of kittens she’d brought in for vaccination. Rescue names usually follow a theme eg. Animals abandoned at Christmas will be named Holly, Ivy, Mistletoe, Noel et.c. When suddenly landed with the responsibility of naming my mind went completely blank – each theme I…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 23, 2011 at 12:45pm — No Comments

"Putting the Cart Before the Horse" - this week's historical saying.

I’m sure you’re familiar the expression ‘putting the cart before the horse’. But this saying, as well as describing a world turned upside down, in the 16th century was also a timely warning against rebellion.






Added by Grace Elliot on January 19, 2011 at 12:31pm — No Comments

Long and Short Reviews - guest author - leave a comment and win an Amazon voucher!

All this week Grace Elliot is guest author at Long and Short Reviews.

Why not pop over and leave a comment, for a chance to win an Amazon voucher.


See you there,

Grace x…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 17, 2011 at 2:43pm — No Comments

Devilish Cats - how felines got a bad reputation.

In the Middle Ages, a self respecting witch kept a familiar, an animal that acted as a link to the devil. The most commonly recognised familiar was a cat, preferably a black one, but have you ever stopped to wonder why a perfectly adorable animal became linked with black magic?

To answer that question we need to look at the reputation cats had in medieval times. Highly prized as a catcher of mice the 10th century law of Hywel Dda has this to say.

“The value of…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 17, 2011 at 3:30am — No Comments

Grace Elliot interview at Writers and writing blog - today!

Today Grace Elliot is being interviewed over at Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz's excellent blog.

Pop over and say hello!



Added by Grace Elliot on January 13, 2011 at 6:32am — No Comments

The connection between 'The Cats' Meat Man' and Jack the Ripper!

'In this second post about ‘The Cats’ Meat Man’ Grace Elliot considers the grizzly (and real!) link between a Victorian pet food seller and Jack the Ripper.'…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 12, 2011 at 10:32am — No Comments

Review of IN ALL THINGS by Shawna Williams

In All Things is the sequel to Shawna Williams’ debut novel NoOther, a touching and heart felt story of God’s faithfulnessamidst the seemingly impossible circumstances surrounding a young couple whofind themselves in love during the post World War Two era. I loved… Continue

Added by Tracy Krauss on January 9, 2011 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Author Joselyn Vaughn interviewed.

Today at Grace Elliot's blog Joselyn Vaughan is interviewed about her latest contemporary romance 'Courting Sparks.'

A romance featuring fire-fighters (wink x)




Added by Grace Elliot on January 9, 2011 at 10:31am — No Comments

Grace Elliot compared to Georgette Heyer!

Grace Elliot compared to Georgette Heyer!

New Review posted .

"This is set to be a rollicking good, period romantic saga, although the hints are there that some darker forces and undertones are just waiting in the wings.…


Added by Grace Elliot on January 8, 2011 at 4:33am — No Comments

What Readers Are Saying About The Jerusalem Cycle

“A captivating story about a political & scientific intrigue with an unusual love triangle, all connected by the fate of Jerusalem. The author brings us to a central question about human nature: what are the deepest motives that guide and drive our behaviors and commitments? Recognition, empathy, vengeance, narcissism or guilt... A fascinating history about human beings, which leaves us wanting to read more!”


“A captivating story. So well written that the images inhabit…


Added by André John Haddad on January 5, 2011 at 1:42pm — No Comments

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