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All Blog Posts Tagged 'middle' (189)

You never know

I’ve been a thriller sci-fi writer for more than twenty years now and over that span of time my books have gotten the attention of numerous literary agents and publishers. In 2005, I signed with a major literary agent from a major NY literary agency. This agency had sold hundreds of books and film rights, some for as much as seven figures. I was very excited.


My agent loved all six (at the time) of my books…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 28, 2013 at 11:26am — 1 Comment

Great new review!

Thanks to all who bought a copy of DROP OUT.  New review from Australia. Check it out.


4.0 out of 5 stars Drop Out, May 24, 2013


Cphe (australia) - See all my reviews

Amazon Verified Purchase(What's…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 24, 2013 at 10:01am — No Comments

Image sells books

There’s an old saying that more than anything the image of the author helps greatly to sell a book. And although I hate to admit it, I wholly believe that is true. For example, if you had two romance authors sitting side by side at a book signing; one is a beautiful woman with slender legs, an hourglass figure, and a face like Aphrodite, and the other looks like a frumpy housewife… which author’s book would you be more interested in reading? Let’s be honest. That’s why…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 24, 2013 at 5:30am — No Comments

Ready to change your outlook on life?

Please check out my latest powerhouse novel, DROP OUT. It’s Kindle Fire Department’s Book of the Day! Thanks.…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 21, 2013 at 11:21am — No Comments

A writer’s calling

I recently received my ninth unsolicited review for DROP OUT ( ) on Amazon and I am quite pleased with the five star rating and comment. It seems the book is really having an impact on people. I’ve been getting fan email (for the first time) and reading a lot of discussions on social media…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 13, 2013 at 12:54pm — No Comments

Fooled! Beware!

Attention writers looking to book promotions for their novels or are considering paying for one or more of the thousands of marketing opportunities out there, watch out for They solicited me without my having any previous knowledge of them and I decided to try it. I know, I know, at this point I should have been smart enough to know better.

Having had a particularly bad sales day, their gmail ad caught me at the worst time,…


Added by Neil Ostroff on May 10, 2013 at 10:30am — No Comments

Stories for Children Show w/guest L.R.W. Lee

The Stories for Children show airs on Mondays here on the Featured World of Ink Network. Host Virginia S Grenier brings listeners Best-selling to Debut children's and young adult authors.


This week our guest will debut author L.R.W. Lee, who is touring her middle grade fantasy adventure, Andy Smithson: Blast…


Added by VS Grenier on May 6, 2013 at 8:00am — No Comments

Define success

I was asked the other day if I thought I was a successful author. Instead of a simple yes or no answer, I found myself rather perplexed by the question. If by definition a successful author supports themselves wholly by their craft, then the answer is no. If by definition a successful author is one who has legions of fans and gets world-wide recognition, then the answer is no. If by definition a successful author is one who enjoys the writing process, the editing process,…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 29, 2013 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Author L.R.W. Lee Kicks off Book 1 of the Andy Smithson series

The World of Ink Network will be

touring debut author L.R.W. Lee’s
middle grade fantasy adventure, Andy Smithson: Blast of the…

Added by World of Ink Network on April 28, 2013 at 9:45am — No Comments

To not write - BookGorilla results

I’m back from vacation and for the first time that I can remember I got absolutely no writing done. I always vacation in the Florida Keys and I always spend many hours sitting by the water creating, but this time I didn’t. Why?

I used to be obsessed with hitting the big-time with my books. I dreamed that I’d be that one percent of one percent of writers who actually earn a living from their craft. I spent years sitting inside writing when the…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 18, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Rising above

Two years ago, after amicably parting ways with my literary agent of four years, I decide to take destiny into my own hands and publish my books in eformat. I had a huge collection of completed and professionally edited novels and decided that publishing one every three months seemed feasible. So, that’s what I did.


Little did I know I was on the cusp of an indie publishing revolution. My books were available at the right time, for the right audience, and at the right price.…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 4, 2013 at 9:00pm — No Comments


Been working hard on my latest manuscript (still untitled) though the Easter weekend did muff up my writing schedule a bit. I also have a big promotion coming up for DROP OUT on April 4th with KND’s new Book Gorilla newsletter. I paid extra to be on the premier front page and be exposed to @ 20,000 opt-in readers. Will it be profitable? I guess we’ll see. I need to sell 150 books to recoup the cost.


I’m also trying a new promotion with a site called…


Added by Neil Ostroff on April 1, 2013 at 12:33pm — No Comments

Sleep well manuscript

It finally happened. I reached the end of my creative juices on my latest novel. At 25,000 words in, I’ve had enough. The book started well enough. I had a great idea and I feverishly wrote the first draft in under three weeks. I let it sit for a few days while I visited the Jersey Shore and then pulled it back onto the screen anxious and excited to begin the revision process. And then thunk!


Plagued by writer’s block for the last two weeks, I’ve been spending my morning…


Added by Neil Ostroff on March 24, 2013 at 2:30pm — No Comments

The sacrifice

Spring is here and once again the oncoming nice weather will test my resolve to finish my latest novel. I find it especially difficult to keep focus when it’s a beautiful, sunny seventy-degree day outside. But as an artist I must ignore the temptation to enjoy the outside. When I am working on a first draft (as I’m doing now) I find that I can only concentrate on creating original material when I’m sitting at my desk. Something about that particular space and mindset unlocks my…


Added by Neil Ostroff on March 21, 2013 at 12:11pm — No Comments

Taking pause

As a prolific writer, I find it hard to take even one day off of working on my craft. In my mind, a day spent not writing is an unfinished day, as if I’d skipped exercising or went to bed without having dinner. But every now and then the unpredictability of life pops in and you have to take time to pause.


This happened to me recently as a family member was suddenly admitted to the hospital. After a long, unproductive week of experiencing torturous writer’s block, I had…


Added by Neil Ostroff on March 15, 2013 at 12:01pm — No Comments

The virtual bookshelf

There is a riding wave of enthusiasm and excitement among indie authors that finally, after centuries of struggle, we can now put our books out there on the virtual bookshelf for the world to see and for all eternity. What an incredible concept that a hundred years from now someone might happen upon one of my books and my characters would rise from the ashes of time and thrill a new reader. Or is it?


What is the likelihood that a future individual will happen upon one of my…


Added by Neil Ostroff on March 8, 2013 at 1:40pm — No Comments

Breaking Writer’s Block

I woke up this morning momentarily gripped by a fear and uncertainty that has plagued me as of recent. Would today be like yesterday and the day before and the day before? Would I spend the next fifteen hours walking around my office in a daze trying to rip free of this chain of boredom? Would today be the day I finally break this horrible bout of writer’s block?


For twenty-five plus years, I’ve woken each morning with my head crammed full of ideas. Imaginary characters start…


Added by Neil Ostroff on March 4, 2013 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Get read!

It’s the end of the month, which means my book sales stats will again be reset to zero. As I’ve mentioned many times before, it’s a little depressing to start each new month from scratch. Sometimes I think it would be nicer if they just kept the numbers going.


That said, I sold a pretty fair number of books this month. It helped that I ran two promotions and that Kindle Nation Daily gave me extra free publicity by presenting me with an interview by a fifth grader and then…


Added by Neil Ostroff on February 28, 2013 at 11:15am — No Comments

Best interview ever!

Haha! Here is my first ever interview with a fifth grader. Please check it out!

Added by Neil Ostroff on February 22, 2013 at 2:00pm — No Comments

Millions will see this!

I read a funny disclaimer on a website the other day. It was a site dedicated to posting samples of author’s writing. The disclaimer warned that any material posted may be seen by millions of people. I nearly burst out loud laughing.


If only that were true? Can you imagine if each one of my book samples got read by millions of people? If only a very small percentage of those readers purchased the book I’d be rich. The reality is the internet allows you the opportunity…


Added by Neil Ostroff on February 19, 2013 at 1:55pm — No Comments

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