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Amir Makin
A Worthy Muslim
Amir Makin found Al Islam on an unexpected yet fruitful journey to Africa. Having always been intrigued with issues of the oppressed masses, he quickly learned how this way of life directed all to defend and protect the indigent from tyranny while preserving the dignity of the dispossessed. Since that time, he has instilled in himself and advanced the type of analysis that leads to positive change throughout society. He has since immersed himself in the study of developing solutions to communities most disaffected. He regularly gives lectures and seminars on manhood training and development, and different areas in need of social justice. In the seminars, he explains how to use the tools he has developed to achieve positive results related to these issues. He routinely authors documents about facts on Sunni Muslims and internalized oppression.

What compelled you to write your first book?
Amir Makin: First let me thank you for the opportunity to share this information with your readers. I initially got the idea when I began to notice a lack of concern among some but not all within the Muslim community to be committed to work for socioeconomic and political improvement let alone independence with the same intensity as they would use to look for a job. I began to realize that they had problems seeing a connection between Middle East or Iraq or Africa, terrorism and how it relates to our condition here at home. Partly as a result of this, I noticed that several people were getting the impression that Muslims were not supposed to get involved in social, political and economic development. Some Muslims are so ritualistic meaning that they may perform certain acts mandated by Al Islam out of habit without attempting to understand the larger reason for doing such. With this in mind, I asked can all of this be addressed and motivate people toward wanting to understand the accurate facts on Sunni Muslims also? Hopefully once the book is read, we will be one step closer to that goal.
Are you currently working on any writing projects our readers should watch for release soon?
Amir Makin: I plan to release 3 additional titles in 2009 to address family issues, leadership/manhood training and development for leadership of one’s community and reducing the recidivism rate of former convicts, so I’m extremely busy. Additionally, I write about some of the internal issues among Muslims that need to be addressed while also covering areas concerning colonialism and oppression throughout the world. I plan to post the links to all interviews, book tour sites and seminars on my blog as they happen.
How did you feel the day you held the copy of your first book in your hands?
Amir Makin: I thought finally my labor of love has paid off. All of these exhaustive months of research editing, proofreading and re-editing had come to a culmination. Lying awake at night worrying about how best to phrase this or that sentence so it can’t be misconstrued were finally over. After this passed, then I got concerned because it needed to be reviewed at that time. This gave me additional worries. However, good things come to those who wait in patience. True enough the early Amazon reviews were all positive. Understandably, I had a roller coaster of emotions.
What inspires you and motivates you to write the very most?
Amir Makin: What motivates me the most is when I see certain acts of injustice ignored out of some false sense of perverted loyalty to the same. Whether it is innocent people falsely imprisoned, impoverished children being abused or worse, or an entire nation being cheated out of its God given right to maintain and assert its independence, these are the issues that really get my attention, mostly because they are usually left out of mainstream media coverage. I feel it is my duty to do as much as I can to either help correct these wrongs or bring as much attention to them as possible.
When growing up, did you have a favorite author, book series, or book?
Amir Makin: This will shock some people, but my favorite author when I was very young was Kenneth Robeson. He wrote the Doc Savage book series and his sense of character development and scene description was some of the most memorable I’ve read.
What about now: who is your favorite author and what is your favorite genre to read?
Amir Makin: As I began to get away from fiction, I started taking an interest in nonfiction books related to the struggles of the dispossessed. The Autobiography of Malcolm X is one of my favorite books in this genre. I also like the books by Nelson Mandela, Randall Robinson along with Ralph Ellison’s The Invisible Man.
What is your main goal or purpose you would like to see accomplished by your writing?
Amir Makin: What would make me the happiest is to see people take my literature, expound on it, grow from it and be able to transform as many negative scenarios they can into positive situations that have exchanged injustice for justice.
Do you have any book signings, tours or special events planned to promote your book that readers might be interested in attending? If so, when and where?
Amir Makin: Yes I do. On September 15, I’ll be writing guest commentaries on The Book Connection, Scribe Vibe on September 16, interviews for Blogcritics on September 18, Paperback Writer on September 19, Zensanity on September 23 and another guest commentary for Book Marketing Buzz on September 22. I’ll be posting all of these on my blog if readers miss the actual dates themselves.
Now, use this space to tell us more about who you. Anything you want your readers to know?
First because it is Ramadan (month of fasting) I’m currently having a book giveaway contest which will conclude at the end of the month. I’ve also started an open poll concerning different perspectives of Al Islam that I’m encouraging all readers to participate in before the poll closes at the end of the year. All of this information can be found on my blog which is

Additionally, A Worthy Muslim: Quranic Tools Needed to Overcome Oppression and Imperialism in Order to Institute Justice can be purchased either from my publisher's site which is or Amazon

Thank you for the time shared.

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