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Genre: Thriller

Title: The Flu

Author: Donald J. Lemire

Will we ever know who we can trust?

This is a fictional thriller yet one cannot help but let their mind wander to the possibility of eventual truth. The title itself ‘The Flu,’ causes one to shiver in fear of catching it.

The story is set in Rochester, New Hampshire and cycles around an everyday couple Doug and Cindy, their extended family and friends. They are a couple trying to survive in a world under threat of terrorism, while the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel is headline news.

A new ‘one time only’ flu shot is announced by the government with the additional factors that only China and the United States will be receiving it and then only within a two month time frame. Doug’s brother David, works for a newspaper in Boston and keeps them informed of what is happening. Cindy has already lost her father to the flu so her nightmares are of no surprise.

Over the past few years, hundreds have died from the flu but suddenly, unexplainably, thousands are dead. Not just the weak and elderly but the young and healthy, massive terror reigns.

Author, Donald J. Lemire has written this horror story compelling you to want to finish. Although fairly short, he has relayed it in a convincing manner, enough that your mind will wander into the realm of possibility.

Donald J. Lemire was born in Rhode Island. He now resides in Selmer, Tennessee with his daughter and wife, who is also and author.

I would have to say it is a great read. Reviewer: Cheryl Ellis, Allbooks Reviews
Available through and Barnes & Noble.

Author: Donald J. Lemire
ISBN-13: 978-1-4241779-4-3

Donald Lemire

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