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Each of us responds better to accountability and judgment when it comes from our peers.

When a person is at a point in their lives where their ability to cope and deal rationally with their problems is gone, they as well as we need someone that can bring them peace.

Someone is the key in healing. Institutions, originations, well meaning companies all can not provide the most important component! Compassion without criticism!

Without that there becomes a natural gap in communication, turning all efforts to anger.

What is needed in rural communities is an outreach center for those that are not yet able to utilize existing services that are in place to provide for them.

Most community services organizations are over worked, under paid, and poorly supervised.

The upper staff levels form, and because of pending cuts all walk on eggshells. Those that work cases are the first to go. So all the insight that worker has is taken away from the healing.

With a constant fear of budget cuts and added regulations, an in house policy begins to change their attitude to the outside world.

No one wants to bring more loads to a shaky office or really cure the ones their working with, because if they do the money that the case brings into the office will be lost.

This happens over a long enough period of time and those involved do not see it because of their noble struggle.

Those in the community not in loop become aware of it much faster.

The police are the first to see the change, because of increased violence.

The clinics and hospitals become aware by the increases in deaths due to drugs.

Locals lose their sense of security, because petty and violent crime increases.

They lock their doors, and begin to lock their spirits away as well.

When these things begin to occur those in the community that need the most help are not going to ask for it from an agency that has proved defective, and defensive in their perspective.

The people, who need the most help, are not the ones that are able to make it to the offices in town!

The people who are not able spiritually to face; what are in their minds is negative judgment from those, who in one form or another represent the very forces that have brought so much despair into their lives.

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