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Jacks of All Trades

ISBN-10: 0595444040

Tucker McGann spent half his life married to the wicked bitch-of-the-east. He realized he suffered from depression and he had to move away from the memories, lies and constant torment. When he found an abandoned cabin he grabbed it without hesitation. Hiring a local company to work their magic he learned the help was a stunning woman named A.J. He thought she lost her mind when she told him there were things in his attic that floated in the air and a hole in his roof that magically sealed itself.

A.J. cut the attic door down and they stepped into the room and discovered a doorway that led to another world. Tucker hoped for some excitement. Sex was one thing but ET's and dimensional doorways were another! A strange being instructed A.J. to create a device to close the doorway. Her life depended on it for she either succeeded to live or failed and would die a painful death.

Tucker's meddling son discovered A.J.'s secret. The secret she denied and was far from the evidence his daughter provided. Slapped back in time Tucker could only relive the misery and drink himself into oblivion. Who or what to believe?

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