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Best-Selling Author Crystal Linn Discusses, Well, Crystal Linn!

Crystal Linn – A Brief Introduction

Writing is something I have always done. When I was eight years old I wrote my first poem. When I was nine, I wrote my first short story. Then at the age of ten I began keeping a journal. Unlike my mother, I had no lofty writing goals. Writing was simply a part of my life. It was both personal and inconsequential.

Throughout my childhood I listened to countless stories about my ancestors. My great-great-grandfather, Jeremiah Kenoyer, came west with his family across the Oregon Trail in 1853 as a United Brethren missionary to the pioneer settlements in the Oregon Territory. Many of the stories handed down included how he and his son, James, my great-grandfather used herbal remedies to treat both pioneers and Native Americans. I inherited a few of the recipes for those remedies, and they really work.

Many other stories were told about the writers in the family, including Henry Luce, the founder of Time magazine.

As a result of these fascinating stories, I studied herbal treatments and had my own herb garden. I still make my own herbal tinctures, even though I currently do not have a garden.

In the year 2000 we decided that I would look into getting my deceased mother’s writings published. In the process I became published and was amazed that publishers wanted my stories and my talent, one I was unaware I possessed.

Writing Amish novels with Roger Rheinheimer is the greatest fun. I love the fact that I can incorporate a part of my own history and personal life experiences into our stories, just as Roger can incorporate some of his own history and life’s experiences into the same stories.

It is my goal that our readers will enjoy reading our stories as much as Roger and I enjoy writing them.


All of Crystal Linn’s “Amish Forever” stories that she has co-authored with Roger Rheinheimer can be found right here by using this link;

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