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COMING SOON: "The Herman Thrice Series" by CQ Scafidi!

Christian Gideon was born with the ability to speak, apparently learned while in his mother’s womb.  He was reading at two and had taught himself Spanish by four. His father, Stan Gideon, knew his son was special, but never imagined the destiny that lay in wait for his gifted progeny.  As a former agent for D.A.R.P.A., Stan was now working deep undercover. In his years with the government, he had encountered others like his son.  It was for this reason that he allowed his son to be mentored by those only known to Christian as “the immortals.” Within a short few years, Christian was writing peer-reviewed scientific papers on particle physics, while his father successfully got him employment at a secret particle accelerator in the shadows of Mount Shasta.

With his assignment to infiltrate the nefarious C.E.R.E.S. cabal, Stan was investigating their plan for global depopulation, while his young son was being schooled in the ancient arts of alchemy by his quirky project manager, Dr. Herman Thrice.  Unbeknownst to Stan, Christian would soon be selected to hone his special talents as a Light Worker for the planet Earth.  Via the power of Inter-Dimensional travel, Christian would join other “millenials” with similar talents at the Light Worker Academy located on a planet circling one of the Seven Sisters or Pleiades. It was here that they would learn that they are actually the next step in human evolution.

Utilizing the top secret information uncovered by his father, Christian would soon return to Earth with his teammates, to stop the depopulation agenda and return the planet to its original pristine condition utilizing their newfound alchemical skills. Will the father and son be successful at thwarting the ongoing attempts by C.E.R.E.S. to cull the human population through the systemic poisoning of the planet?  Will they overcome the dark forces at work within the government to aid C.E.R.E.S.?  Read the Herman Thrice series and follow the Gideon’s as they work in tandem to save the planet Earth from its ultimate destruction.

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